Chapter Thirty

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My eyes darted between the two men as I stuffed popcorn into my mouth indiscriminately. Alec continued staring at Alaisdair without an ounce of discretion, unaware that I had stopped watching the old movie on the TV and was now using them as my source of entertainment. Alaisdair was only slightly better with the occasional glance he threw Alec's way from the entrance of the empty den. I wasn't sure if it was intentional, but it was the right move with Alec. He wasn't someone who had to chase very often so when he did, it caught his interest. Anyone that didn't throw themselves at him was a welcomed challenge that, frankly, he needed.

There was only one problem. The looks being exchanged were not the ones Alec gave to people he wanted to bang. No, these were I-want-to-cuddle-naked-with-you-then-actually-cuddle-afterwards looks. These were the kind of looks that said he wouldn't kick him out of the bed after sex, and it was starting to freak me out.

Alec crossed his arms over the back of the couch we sat on and sighed as he rested his chin on them. My eyebrows shot up and my bowl of popcorn slipped out of my hands and into my lap, sending pieces flying out of the bowl. I ignored the mess and continued to watch the crisis in action. This was worse than I thought. This was not the Alec I'd come to know. No, Alec was supposed to be the better one of us when it came to love. He snorted at me when he saw the romance novels I had stacked up on the table next to my bed, he rolled his eyes at every love-drugged couple he witnessed, and he frequently went on tangents about how love wasn't real. I mean, I once watched from afar as he broke up a couple, for fucks sake.

It was also partly why we got along so well.

I uncrossed my legs and set my feet on the floor as I cleared my throat, getting no response from either one of them. I squinted at them before I turned to slam my bowl of popcorn down on the table. I sat back and watched as Alec turned to me with wide eyes, realizing he had been caught. Alaisdair became still as a stone in his spot he occupied at the door, and I rolled my eyes at their behavior.

I attempted to compose myself before I leveled them with a stern look. "What the hell is going on here?"

Alaisdair shifted to briefly look back and grunted, "Nothing."

Alec swung his head to look back at him, shock and a hint of hurt flashing in his eyes. "What?"

Alaisdair gave a halfhearted shrug, keeping his back to us.

Alec turned to me and leaned in with a fire in his eyes. "I've been hitting on him since he got here. Not once did he reciprocate, so I came to the natural conclusion that he obviously must not be into gorgeous men."

"Obviously," I parroted back, my amusement growing slightly despite my panicked state.

"But after you interrupted me mid hookup with that guy, he got all grouchy with me. I came by to check on you after hearing you met with the Council and he snapped at me. One minute we were fighting, the next he was giving me mouth to mouth."

Alaisdair turned to look at me and growled, "He kissed me. Not the other way around."

"You wouldn't stop growling at me! What was I supposed to do?" Alec shot back.

"Not that!" Alasdair snapped, only meeting his eyes for a brief moment before tearing them away.

"Well, now I know that," Alec said in a quieter tone, turning back to me. "He's been ignoring me ever since. Won't even look at me."

Alaisdair breathed heavily and turned back around to look out the door. "I have something to attend to. I'll send another guard to take over until I'm back," he gruffly announced before taking off down the hall.

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