Ch 1 The Hell Begins

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Hi there, My name is August, a lovely girl with a huge thing for video games. My favorite game of all time is UnJammer Lammy. I do like the Parappa games as well but not as much as I do with Lammy. You may have heard about Andrew's story with Parappa and his suicide but not my story. You see I discovered a dark side about Lammy. 

  I never knew that the day would come like Andrew did. It all started when my younger sister and I were home alone playing Parappa The Rapper 2. We got to stage 5 then we stopped playing. 

 My sister was 15 years old at the time when she told me she was meeting some friends for pizza and a movie. "Alright, sis but be home at 8:30 or you know I will tell mother and farther you stayed past your curfew again". I was 17 at the time when it happened. She left to meet her friends. 

  I then heard something whisper in my ear, I recognized that voice right away It was Parappa. "August, play UnJammer Lammy. Lammy isn't doing too great. Please, you must help her." "Why do I need to help her?" I asked "Please she is planning to commit suicide. I did once cause I wished I was happy through the dark days but I just can't. Please, August you have to stop her." 

He vanished without a trace. I went to my secret gaming room that is behind my closet. I dug out my old PlayStation 4. I missed this system but I had a job to do. I plugged in the system then started it up. 

  The intro was normal but Lammy who was in every cutscene was nowhere to be found expect Parappa took her place. Parappa never told me he was taking her place in Lammy Stages. The bullies came in and ACTED like Lammy was there. 

  The title screen was different it normally was Lammy playing her guitar but instead, she didn't have her guitar she was hugging a Parappa doll. She must have missed Parappa. I select the first stage which was supposed to be the dream stage with Chop Chop Master Onion. Instead, it showed Lammy walking down the street crying because of Parappa's suicide.

She walked down the street when Pauline from the anime came to see Lammy very sad. Of course, she hardly knows Lammy she gave her a concerned look then walked away like she was worried about Lammy. Lammy followed Pauline to her house then gave her a wave then she walked away. The stage loaded into the first stage but instead of being in the dream stage instead she was playing at a concert with Gru Ant from stage Three the second Parappa game.

It wasn't normal Lammy still had that sadden face after the first part was done Gru Ant said to Lammy "Come on Lammy whats wrong?" Lammy didn't say anything and continued playing on her guitar. I mashed the buttons as normal but after the stage, Gru Ant said "Come on Lammy just tell me what has happened to you. You are not like your normal self-today. Just tell me what is wrong?!?!" The stage ended with a fade-out transition. I had no idea what was going on.

UnJammer Lammy: Lammy's Terrible DayWhere stories live. Discover now