entering beacon

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today i am 17 with my father and i am using my sniper rifle so i can kill one of our targets.

Deadshot: ok son now do you see the target?

Y/N: yes he is currently leaving the building.

Deadshot: good now remember what i told you.

Y/N: yes dad keep the target in my sights and shoot.

Deadshot: good now pull the trigger.

i pull the trigger and the bullet hits the target right in the center of the head and so me and my dad leave the area and head towards our house.

Timeskip to house

me and dad enter the room when we see to dark figures in the living room so i flick the lights on and we point our guns to see professor ozpin and professor goodwitch standing there and looking at us.

Deadshot: what do you want ozpin.

Ozpin: come on floyd please put down the guns so we can talk about this in a civilized manner.

we both put our guns down and sit in the living room.

Ozpin: now look we want you to join beacon with you floyd as a professor and you Y/N as a student.

Y/N: i don't know i heard there are two students there that i don't really want to meet.

Ozpin: who are they?

Y/N: Ruby rose and Yang xiao long my former sisters.

ozpin and goodwitch were shocked but ozpin continued talking.

Ozpin: well if you are uncomfortable with them then i am sure we can make arrangements.

Deadshot: ok i am fine but we have some conditions.

Ozpin: what are they?

Y/N: one, i and my father stay at the same dorm and two me and my father stay together as a two man team during missions and tournaments.

Ozpin: ok i accept anything else?

Deadshot & Y/N: none.

Ozpin: ok then we will give you time to pack while i call for our transport.

me and my dad start packing and when we were done we see a bullhead outside. we board the vehicle and head to beacon.

timeskip to beacon no one's POV

today everyone was called to the courtyard and they are waiting for an announcement that ozpin said he will make.

Ruby: hey yang hat do you think this is about.

Yang: i don't know rubes.

ozpin then calls everyone's attention.

Ozpin: everyone today we will get one new professor and student who will be our first student and teacher two man team since they are both related now please welcome floyd lawton and Y/N lawton.

everyone then saw the two newcomers arrive and yang and ruby are shocked to see it was their old brother there.

Ozpin: now would both of you want to show your skills?

Deadshot & Y/N: sure.

ozpin then reveals a shooting range and both of them take turns in shooting them.

the scene looked like this:


after our demonstration we saw everyone was shocked and then i shouted to them. 


everyone nodded and ozpin announced.

Ozpin: ok everyone that is all you may go back to whatever you were doing and remember the new term starts this monday.

we all left and when we went to our dorm i saw something that pissed me off.

Deadshot: hey son what's the problem?

Y/N: my sister's team is right next to us.

Deadshot: ok then let's get in our dorm.

i nodded and he entered our dorm but then team RWBY left their dorm and noticed us.

Ruby: hey Y/N.

Y/N: my god. what do you want pipsqueak.

Yang: hey don't talk to our sister like that.

Y/N: as far as i know we are not related anymore.

Ruby: but-

Deadshot: hey son which bed do you want left bed or right?

Y/N: right side.

Deadshot: ok.

Yang: who was that?

Y/N: my dad.

Yang: no he isn't our dad is taiyang xiao long.

Y/N: no she is your dad deadshot is my dad besides he has been more of a father than taiyang has ever been.

Yang: why you.

yang then got angry and tried to punch me but dad opened the door and caught her hand and both of us pointed our wrist cannons at them.

Deadshot: you will not hurt my son.

Y/N: and if you are planning to apologize then forget it i won't forgive you anyway. 

i enter my dorm and dad locks the door while i heard my sisters walking away and crying.

Y/N: ahh music to my ears.

Deadshot: i thought the sound of a bullet firing was music to your ears?

Y/N: well only if i am the one firing the bullet.

we both laugh then went to sleep so we can have enough energy for classes on monday even though it is a friday.

End of chapter

A/N: hey guys this is the new chapter and thank you GlassJohn for being the first to vote on my story. i really appreciate it.

abused and neglected Deadshot's son male reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now