[11.]* <3

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After studying with Sung Min, I walked home with Jung Kook. Everything was quiet. I didn't want to say anything and so did he.

On the way, we accidentally met up with Ji Min and Tae Hyung.

"Hey.", Jung Kook waved at them. I just bowed without making any eye contact but, Ji Min was smiling.

As a Ji Min biased, of course I was internally dying inside.

"Jung Kook you have been so busy with school to the point you rarely visit us.", Tae Hyung pouted.

"Sorry.. we should hang then.", Jung Kook chuckled.

"Now?", Tae Hyung asked. "Sure.", Jung Kook replied.

"How about you, Seo Yun? Do you want to come along?", Ji Min asked with his soft voice. My head shot up, "A-Ah.. it's okay.. that's too much trouble.", I motioned my hands a no.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun.", Tae Hyung nudged my shoulder. I sighed, "Okay, I'll come.", I smiled.

Jung Kook was grinning, we made eye contact then we both avoided it as soon we both noticed.

We then walked to an arcade, it was empty so they thought it would be the best place since fans or media wouldn't be there.

I still felt uneasy around Jung Kook, and now both of his friends are here. I was just feeling even more frustrated.

"You guys can play.. I will sit for a little.", I mentioned, they nodded. I made my way on a chair and pressed hardly against my temple.

Why is my head hurting so much?

"Oh Seo Yun!", somebody called me. I looked up and it was Eun He. "Hey, what are you doing here?", I asked her. "I work here.", she replied.

"I'm just here with Jung Kook and his friends.", I shrugged. Her face went red.

"What's wrong? You like him?", I asked her. She lightly nodded.

"Oh, go for it then. Here's your chance.", I pointed at him. "I don't know, I'm scared. I know you're really close to him and I know how he looks at you. He likes you, or maybe even love.", she rambled. I laughed, "In what universe? Definitely not this one.", I said.

"I only have one class with him and it's Music, every time he sings, he makes my heart flutter.", her face went even redder.

"Tell him that, tell him you like him.", I shrugged my shoulders. "Are you okay with it though?", she asked.

"Of course I am!", I shouted then she nodded and walked to him.

But something didn't add up, my heart ached.

After some time, Ji Min walked up to me and sat on the chair opposite of me.

"You okay?", he asked. I smiled and nodded. "Is Jung Kook giving you a headache?", he asked again.

"More like a heartache.", I laughed nervously. He chuckled, "That boy.", he shook his head.

"He used me, Ji Min. I am telling you this because you are one of his hyungs.", I mentioned. His eyes widened, "He's not the kind of people who would use someone.", he covered his mouth with his hand.

"I thought of that too.. I guess I was wrong.", I sighed. "I've been used many times before.", I chuckled.

He then gasped out of nowhere.

"Oh okay.", I tried to understand.

Ji Min smiled then ran back to Tae Hyung. Eun He came running to me.

"So? What happened?", I motioned her to sit. She took a seat, "I told him that I like him but he said he didn't feel the same.", she mentioned and sighed.

"There's many guys out there who would love to have you, forget about Jung Kook. He's blind for not seeing how great you are.", I tried cheering her up.

Then Tae Hyung ran up to me, "You gotta trust me, Jung Kook did nothing wrong–", he trailed off as his eyes was laid on Eun He.

"Tae Hyung?", I smirked at him, as I noticed what he was doing. He blushed and coughed. "Yeah so, Jung Kook would never use you Seo Yun.", he replied.

"That's Eun He, any interest in her?", I pointed at her. Tae Hyung got flustered and brushed his hand through his grey hair.

"No.", he scoffed and walked away. I chuckled at his actions.

Jung Kook then walked up to me, Eun He went nervous and put her head down but then up again.

"Seo Yun, lets go home.", he pouted. I sighed and nodded. I took out a sticky note and wrote my number. "Yah, Eun He, here's my number.", I slid it across the table. She nodded and smiled.

Jung Kook and I was walking our way to my house, slowly. He was silent, I was too.

"So.. friends with Eun He?", he asked. "Maybe? I need girl friends, they're the best at giving advices at most occasions.", I shrugged.

"Hey we're talking again.", he shot a smile. I grinned a little.

"Jeon Jung Kook how dare you let my heart ache!", I accused him with a grin. He giggled and rolled his eyes.

"You trust me right? I didn't use you because I wanted to.. it was to protect my hyungs. Really.", he sighed. I sighed too and gave him a warm smile. He suddenly blushed and looked away.

"I trusted you but why didn't you tell me at the beginning?", I asked.

"Because I was scared.", he shrugged his shoulders. "Can you trust me again? I am actually really sorry. I can't get you out of my head, I miss you.", he stopped me from walking.

"It was yesterday.", I chuckled. His cheeks went redder. "I-I know! B-But.. I..", he stuttered. What happened next, I did something, and I even shocked myself.

I pushed my lips on his for a peck. I then realised what I did and my cheeks and ears went hot.

Why did I do that? Seo Yun, are you dumb now? You're supposed to be cold, why— huh?

I looked at him, his jaw was hanging and his cheeks, nose and ears were red. We just stared at each other. Then I looked away.

"J-Jung Kook.. I'm sorry for doing that erm.. woah—", I was about to continue but his action interrupted me.

He pulled me closer to his body with his hand on my waist. He then kissed me. My eyes shot bigger and I tried pushing him away but he was too strong, I mean, mentally strong. My head was hurting.

He tried deepening the kiss but he knew his limits, he pulled away and looked at my eyes.

"S-Sorry, I just missed the taste of your lip balm.", he stated.

I MARRIED A FAN? [J.JK] BOOK1 /EDITING/Where stories live. Discover now