Deadly Photography

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Author's Note:

I apologize, my dear readers, for the chapter being so late. I have been busy, and my schedule has been a bit disrupted ever since I moved. I barely have time to write for this story. You see I have a specific process for this particular book that takes up quite a bit of time.

1.) I watch the show as I write, so I could get the characters and dialogue as accurate to the anime as I possibly can.

2.) I try to strive for perfection, so I usually go over the chapters a couple hundred times and keep editing before deeming it ready to publish. Yet, somehow I always tend to miss one thing, and it drives me nuts until I fix it.

3.) For this season in particular, I am having a bit of trouble trying to fit the reader in. I probably have watched this episode thousands of times by now, and I still couldn't seem to choose where I wanted to go with it. I had about seven ideas!

I always try to do my best for you all. I adore your comments, and I'm glad that, so far, none of them are extremely rude. I'm sure you all enjoy my story, since you are reading the second book. I just wanted to inform you that I might take a long time with these chapters for the second season. It's not intentional, I promise you. You need to bear with me though.

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for taking the time to read this, it's greatly appreciated.


•L/N: Last Name.

Your POV:

"Well, Derek, it looks like it's just us tonight." It was true. Everyone in the manor seemed so busy. Drossel, Abe, and Arthur were cleaning, Gregory was taking care of the horses at the moment, and Oliver and the twins found themselves in a prank war, which I told everyone to clean up afterwards once I got splashed in blue paint. I needed some air, so I figured Derek and I could go on a little walk in town. Out of nowhere, a scream echoed through the streets.

'That sounded close.' I follow the sound of the commotion. People were crowding a man who was trying to stop a fire from spreading on a woman. In a matter of seconds, the woman turned to nothing but a pile of ash.

'Holy crap!' My eyes widen at the sight as I finally recognize what was going on. I sigh in frustration.

'Great, now I have to deal with London burning for the second time.' I walk back to the manor to plan out my next moves.

Time Skip:

I was teleport back to the scene of the crime against my will. I was in the middle of eating my damn breakfast! I currently stood beside Sir Arthur, whom I nearly gave a heart attack the moment I popped up out of thin air. He was crouched down to get a good look at the seared pavement.

"Having a bit of trouble are we, Sir Arthur?" A familiar, blue-headed child says.

"Hey, boys!" I frantically wave at them as they drew nearer. Ciel rose an eyebrow at my presence.

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