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Sunday. June 7, 1987 


"Today was fucking hectic, Eddie," Richie spoke. He's right, having to deal with Henry and his group while still keeping up a fake relationship was exhausting. Not to mention all the rumors going around about us.

"I know, maybe we should just give it up," I said standing from my spot on my bed. Richie shook his head vigorously. What's his deal?

"No way, we just started. Do you know how many girls have come up to me?" Richie rolled his eyes. I didn't have the courage to tell him that he only got that attention and acknowledgement because everyone thinks he's gay.

"Whatever," I threw myself on my bed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Richie snapped. He sure is a sassy one.

"I'm going to sleep," I mumbled into my pillow.

I heard him walk towards me, I was unsure of what he was doing but I know he was close.

"Not so fast, mister, you're not sleeping there." Richie whispered. I felt shivers down my spine.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, his tone changed completely.

"We've got a sleepover to go to!" He hooted, I groaned.

"What?" I just wanted to sleep in my own bed. I didn't even know his friends. He soon explained that Beverly had invited us over to her dorm for a sleepover. Though, she warned us that we'd have to wait till after curfew check ins to sneak over.

"A sleepover, with girls, wow," I chuckled nervously. What would Bill think? I decided to tell him.

I ran out of my cabin and knocked on his door. He opened it with a smile, and I walked inside. I could hear the shower running so I assumed Stan was in the bathroom. I looked around, noticing their cabin was a lot cleaner than mine but that wasn't my point.

"W-What's going on?" Bill asked.

"Don't freak. I'm going to a sleepover." I paused. "In a girl's cabin."

"W-wow. Too bad they think you're gay." Bill shrugged. He didn't seem all that impressed which confused me. Was it so bad, though? I'd be too shy to make a move even if they knew the truth. Not like Richie, he's fearless.

"How's Stan?" I asked.

"H-he's cool. I-I actually had so-some-" Bill was cut off when we heard the water stop. "I-I'll tell you la-later."

I guessed that was my cue to leave. I turned towards the door and made it back to my cabin.

"Don't tell me you're scared," Richie shook his head, laughing at me.

"I've never shared a bed with a girl before," I mumbled only to accumulate more laughter on his part.

"If anyone's sharing a bed with the girls, it's me. You're sleeping on the floor," Richie scoffed.

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"Hope you guys don't mind sharing," Elle giggled. I didn't expect Elle and Beverly to be so nice to us.

Bev had the bed near the bathroom and Elle had the bed on the far end. This left Richie and I with a two person sleeping bag on the floor.

"Of course they don't mind," Bev smirked, this earned a fit of giggles from the two of them. I blushed, I had no idea how much girls liked boys who were gay. It seemed odd to me.

"Just as long as you two don't have sex in here," Bev said bluntly. I felt Richie go tense beside me, clearly not comfortable with the idea.

"We're not quite at that level yet, girls," Richie chuckled dryly.

I'd never even kissed a girl. I stayed silent.

They went on talking about Richie's love life before the camping trip as if he even had one. Bev teased me a bit when Richie called himself the man of the relationship which I thought sounded stupid. Wasn't the whole point that we were both guys? I'm tired of this.

"I'm going to sleep," I pouted.

Eventually, the girls turned the lights off. Richie was tucked into the closed side of the sleeping bag and I struggled to zip up my end. I wondered if I should just leave it open but I had the tendency of getting cold at night. Richie noticed my struggle and I grunted in frustration.

"Let me help you," he leaned his body over mine to grab the end of the zipper. I felt his chest moving as he breathed against mine which moved tremulously, I noticed, as I breathed. His torso felt firm and his arms grazed mine as he pulled the zipper up. I began to hold my breathe - I didn't like the way it quickened against his neck. After what felt like years, he eased away and into his respective spot in the sleeping bag.

"Goodnight." He whispered. I could breathe again.

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HMHMHMHmmmm eddie, ur gay is showing

-kat 9/27/17

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