District 3 Female: Rosalie Keller (@TheNerdyLeprechaun) *DEAD*

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Name: Rosalie Kelker

Age: 13

District: 3

Appearance: Rosalie sports wheat coloured curly hair from her scalp,stopping at the general area of her elbow. The roots of her tresses are a light brown, suggesting she was a brunette at birth. Her wide set eyes replicate the colour of a lone storm cloud passing over the sky at midday. Her nose is large, but not too oversized, adding character to her delicate features. Her lips are plump, due to her constantly biting them when frustrated, and have a soft pink colour. Rosalie, or Rosa as she is known to her District, has never weighed or measured herself, but she is sure she is just under average for both height and weight. Rosalie has a skinny frame, but still possesses muscle stature. She has no twinkle in her eye like a child of her age should; she stands somber and quiet, sometimes with a smirk playing on her lips.

Personality: Never one for acting, Rosalie miserably fails at trying to cover up her hard interior. On the outside, Rosa appears fragile, the one thing she's adequate at faking. But on the inside, the scenario is quite the opposite. She's stubborn and oppressive, independent and alone. She doesn't want people to get to close to her, fearing they will tie her down in life. Rosalie wants to do something with her life; the prospect of spending her days in District 9 sickens her. Some would describe her as charming but haunting, polite but suspicious. All of Rosa's attributes she thinks would be an excellent advantage in the games. She appears to be the frightened lamb, but in her mind, she is the cunning wolf in sheep's skin.

History: Rosalie grew up like any normal child; but I guess normal nowadays is abusive parents and suicidal siblings. So, I guess you could say that Rosalie was not normal. Her life was strangely simplistic. Her mother loved her like any mother should, her father was playful, and although she wished long and hard, she never had any siblings. So she made pretend. Her friends became her siblings. She loved them like sisters and brothers would, with a tad of rivalry. So, Rosalie was very strange; very strange indeed.

Weapon Of Choice: Rosalie would normally like to say her brain, in itself, is a weapon of total annihilation and mass destruction, but her IQ test would more than likely prove her wrong (she is not some sort of evil genius, just a selfish know-it-all). Never having worked with weapons before, Rosalie would probably say a scythe, as she is familiar with the one her father brings home after work; cutting grain.

Strength: Cunning, in Rosalie's opinion, is the best skill you could possibly have in the arena. That, and the ability to make friends. Seeing as Rosa is not the greatest socialite, she will rely on her strategic abilities to get her through. She's fast on her feet, which helps quite a bit as well.

Weaknesses: There is no denying it, Rosa is still a little girl. She does not possess inhuman strength, she's definitley not going to be the wisest tribute, and she is in dire need of social skills. Furthermore, a high percent of her adversaries in the arena will have had years to train themselves for the Games. Rose, being the naive little girl she is, believed that the odds of her being chosen were one to a million.

Most Important Family Member/Friend: Without a doubt, the first name that Rosalie would think of when asked this question would be Gareth. Gareth Ander is Rosa's longtime friend from Kindergarten. They have done almost, but not quite, everything together. Over the past year, Rosa has started developing stronger feelings for Gareth, though she is immensely afraid of what will happen when, and if, she tells him.

District Token: The District token that Rosalie has taken would be her favourite hair ribbon. Hey, why the heck not?

Writer Games: Never Forgive, Never ForgetWhere stories live. Discover now