District 3 Male: Watson Kanto (@GhostOfGamesPast) *VICTOR*

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Name: Watson Kanto

Age: Twelve

Gender: Male

District: Three

Appearance: Ashen in skin and small in stature, Watson looks very much like the typical citizen of Three. There's an innocent and childlike glow to his face that easily gives his age away, and maybe even makes him look younger. His face has just a few dimples coating it - enough to make it obvious that he still has a tiny bit of baby fat due to an obvious lack of a growth sport. Watson's hair is a very odd brown, which almost looks greyish in the light, and his eyes are a nice aqua colour, still gleaming with just a bit of mischief.

Personality: Playful and generally fond of people, Watson is very much like a typical kid rather than the emotionless robots people have grown to expect (and love) from Three's tributes. Though he is very clever, Watson lacks the basic instincts and wariness of people that comes with age and several betrayals which has yet to happen to the kid. Though he's by no means painfully oblivious, there's a certain naive quality to the boy which makes him seem that much more innocent and childlike than he already does.

History: Born and raised in a small home in Three, son of Newton and Tabithia Kanto, Watson had a simple and ordinary life. His parents were factory workers - or drones - for some watch company or another (kids never remember where their parents work anyway), leaving him and his family neither rich nor poor. An only child, Watson took on a paper route at ten to get out of the house a bit and meet new friends, though it mainly ended up getting him chased off by dogs and occasionally angry middle-aged people who apparently dislike being woken up by accident.

Weapon: Watson isn't particularly skilled with weapons, being twelve and untrained, but he could probably sort of handle a dagger; it's small and light.


1. Clever; even though he's twelve, Watson has a naturally intelligent mind which should be useful to help him come up with strategies to help him survive.

2. Likeable; Watson is charming and fun to be around in a childlike kind of way. Even grumpy old men can't quite hold back a smile around the kid, so surely a few sponsors won't be able to resist - assuming he gets past the bloodbath.

3. Agile; being small and lithe, Watson is fairly quick and can easily avoid obstacles at a decent speed. This might be of use to him.


1. Weak; Watson is a twelve year-old from an intelligence-based district. Of course he isn't particularly strong, especially when compared to the big, brutish Careers.

2. Untrained; Three's tributes don't have prior experience with weapons, and Watson is no exception. Though he plans to take advantage of his training days, his odds of mastering a weapon are low.

3. Faint of heart; being young still, Watson really isn't used to seeing blood and death everywhere. How he'll react to killing people is yet to be discovered.

Token: A clipping from the first newspaper he ever delivered. The article isn't particularly important, but it's a sign of independence for him.

Writer Games: Never Forgive, Never ForgetWhere stories live. Discover now