District 7 Female: Ainsley Lovell (@TheyDontKnowAboutUs5) *QUARTERFINALIST*

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<Name: Ainsley Lovell

Age: 16

District: 7

Appearance: Ainsley has long, dark brown hair, sun-tanned skin, and olive green eyes. She's five feet, eight inches tall and is considered to be beautiful. She has a dark look in her eyes, something that puts most people on edge around her.

Personality: Ainsley has morals, but she's also willing to do whatever it takes to survive. She's brave and very smart, often coming off as sly, evasive, cunning, and elusive. Most people tend to stay away from her, but there are a select few people that admire Ainsley for her refusal to give up, determination to avenge her sister, and confidence. She's also a very faster learner, which makes her the preferred person to have learn new axe techniques.

History: Her older sister was killed in the Games when Ainsley was eleven, which has given her a reason to fight. Ainsley mourned for a few days, but soon realized that time moves on. Her parents committed suicide out of grief, but that only adds to Ainsley's fire. Ainsley's aunt took her in and is the one person she trusts. She has been throwing axes since she was five and can throw farther than any other kid in Seven. She swims in the pond in the forest after work most days. Ainsley doesn't pity herself. Instead, she uses her past as an advantage. It makes her want to win.

Weapon of Choice: Throwing axe; bow and arrows

Strengths: Ainsley is incredibly fast and stealthy. She can tell when people are lying or telling the truth and she's very observant. She knows how to identify every plant and bark that could be even remotely useful and she knows how to fashion her own weapons out of only things found in nature.

Weaknesses: Ainsley isn't well-trained with very many weapons, although if she worked hard enough, she could get better. She also can't camouflage herself very good and she isn't very good at hunting animals other than rabbits, squirrels, and birds.

Most Important Family Member/Friend: Her Aunt Marigold

Token: A forest green braided leather bracelet

Writer Games: Never Forgive, Never ForgetWhere stories live. Discover now