My Cane

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He was running, holding me tightly in the crook of his arm like a little child. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he had left me no choice. I would choose the battles I would fight. This was not one of them. The dust monster was out there somewhere and I was scared. I felt the abrasion of the stubble on his cheeks, the strong line of his jaw. And, then there was that intoxicating scent. I was getting nauseous, dizzy. I wanted to end the skin to skin contact. For the Love of God, was he going to run to the Mansion, with me in his arms?

It ended as quickly as it started. He stopped abruptly. "Get in," he said.

I realized he was pushing me inside a car. "I see that the stories about you are exaggerated."

"Come again?"

"You can't fly like Dracula. You can't run as fast as Edward."

"What?" His voice was barely controlled. I had pricked his pride. He probably felt inferior as the King of Vampires. I felt bad. I didn't like reminding him of his insecurities. I knew better.

Before I could make amends, he growled, "Is Edward your new lover?" He slammed the car door. I heard him switch the gear and ignite the engine. "Female humans are fickle. What does Marcelo say about this? You switch lovers in light speed."

"No, silly. Edward is from Twilight."

He grinded his teeth. As always, his rudeness knew no limits.

I was far from being happy myself. I was going to the Mansion once more. I decided I would stay for a few days just till the danger was gone. And, minimize contact with Samuel. It would be over before I even knew it.

None of us talked in the car. But, it was not a peaceful silence. Far from it.

Within a few minutes, the feel of the medallion on my neck became too hot. I lifted it a few times, aired it, but each time I let it go, it was discomfortingly warm to the touch.

"I see you still have my medallion," he acknowledged.

His words snapped something fragile inside me. "Yes, I sure do. Now that I'm going back to your Mansion, I'll make sure I steal some more from you. How does that sound?"

He muttered under his breath.

This was a bad idea. Even a few days at the Mansion would be unbearable. I could see that now.

Him and I, we were bad news.

I exhaled in relief when the car stopped.

I threw myself out of the car, not waiting for him. My heart beat erratically, the anger surged forward. Did I remember the layout of this place? Not really. Was I likely to fall? Surely. Did I care? Hell, no!

He caught up with me. "Whoa!" he said as he wrapped one muscled arm wrapped around my waist.

I tried to unwrap it. Like a Christmas Gift. My fingers came across the soft hair. I wanted to touch it. I wanted to brush my lips over it. I wanted to....I didn't know what I wanted to do. His arm was not my exclusive gift, God damn it. I was doing a bad job in freeing myself from him. Yet, again. But, though I itched to do many things, instead I opted for something else altogether. I pinched him.

"What in the blazes...?" he demanded.

"Unwrap me!" I said calmly, as calm as I could be under the circumstances.

"Fine!" he said. "You can walk on your own!"

I heard him stomp away. He kicked the grass, throwing the dirt my way.

Blind Love( Completed, Kings Series, Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now