Hey its @weeklychris!!!!

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Her eyes were beautiful. Her natural eye colour. Hazel-brown. They sparkle everytime she blush and whenever I look into her eyes. Within few seconds just looking into those gorgeous eyes, anyone can get lost in them.

Her hair was blonde and strawberry colour deep died ends. They're beautiful aren't they? They fall behind her perfectly without effort. It was just perfect. Her hair looked so soft, so touchable.

Her lips looks so tempting. I love how she chooses the lipstick colour. Any colour suits those kissable lips.

I walked towards her. She looked stunned when I approached her. I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close. We were inches apart. I brought my hands up and trailed my fingers down her jaw line then to her lips. Her skin was soft and cold as ice.

I suddenly cupped her face and pulled her into a kiss. It was a soft peck at first. She didnt pull away, but she went with it. It went so smoothly. I felt sparks, and I'm pretty sure she felt it too.

I felt something soft and puffy hitting me. Is it a pillow? Damn go away! 'I'm not done let me sleep.' I whined to myself. The hitting got more annoying and I am quite sure that this is not happening in my dreams.

I closed my eyes tightly and concentrated on my dream.

We pulled away to catch our breath. Her eyes were sparkling as usual. 'What's your name, beautiful?' I asked.

Knowing that this is my dream, I can do anything with my choice. I wanted her name to be simple yet unique. So I decided.

'Hmmm. My name is Diana Carvelli.' Yes! This is it. Thats gonna be my dream girl's name.

'Well, mine is Chris Collins.' I whispered in to her ears.

I feel something's shaking me. Is it an earthquake? No! Damn what is it?! I slowly opened my eyes, slighty squinting them.

'Wake up in the morning with the sunlight in my eyes.' I sang as I woke up. Damn its so bright!

I pushed the blanket off me and something or someone fell hard on to the floor.

I heard growling. 'Ow. Owww. What the hell Chris! You didn't have to do that! ' I pushed myself up. Stretching myself, I searched the room and my eyes landed on Crawford.

I started snickering. 'Revenge can be a bitch ah?' I questioned. I got off the bed and pulled Crawford up to a standing position.

'Thanks man.' Crawf said. I smiled and grabbed my towel from the towel rack and went to bathe. I cleaned shave and had a refreshing shower.

I dried myself and wrapped the towel around my waist.

Damn! Today is the day that I have to make and uplaod a video. Yeah I know my youtube name doesn't really suit my weekly uploads. 'Busy' is one word I'd describe. Saw what I did there. I get lazy as time goes by.

Every human being becomes lazy at some point of time. Its scientificly proven.


I got changed into a hoodie and a sweat pants. I decided to go get some food.

I sat down at the kitchen counter waiting to be served. I waited for like 10 minutes and my mum still haven't served me. What?! Crawford, Karisma and Kristen got up with their plates to get their food.

'Mummy. Why aren't you serving us food?' I asked. She usually does.

'I beg your pardon.' My mum said.

'Why aren't you serving us?' I repeated.

'Hmmm. Well first, I am not your maid! Second, you've got two hands and two legs. They're there for a reason. Third, be independent. Now go get your ass off that chair and help yourself.' I faked smile at her response.

The rest of my siblings were chuckling under their breath. I turned and gave them a death stare. Well it did not work. Actually it never worked. Well to them I was the class clown and never serious.

I got off the chair and went to get my food. It was pancakes! I love pancakes. Pancakes are like a drug to me. I will literally go into depression if I never get pancakes for at least thrice each week. It is my favourite breakfast afterall.

I placed my plate on the side and grabbed four slices of pancakes. I squeezed 'some' mapple syrup over the pancakes and placed a small cube of butter of it to finish it up.

It already smelled delicious. I can't wait to get my mouth filled with the palatable food.

I skipped all the way to my chair just like a 5 year old child. I was too eager to eat my food.

I glided the knife through the pancakes and sliced a small piece. As I did that, the maple syrup flowed down to the bottom of the plate. Within 10 mins, I was already licking my plate clean and asking for more pancakes. This time my mum placed the pancakes on my plate chuckling slightly to herself. I squeezed more maple syrup. I really can't get tired of eating pancakes.


I was bored. I felt like joining Crawford and my sisters to play soccer. I went to the backyard and saw my friends already formed up into two teams.

'Dont you guys know how to wait for me?!' They rolled their eyes at me.

'Omg did you guys just roll your eyes at me?!' I gave that stupid face.

'Yes we did!! You gonna come or nah?' Brent shouted. I ran towards them and took striker position in response to his question.

It was at equalizer and my team had 5 minutes more to score a point and win the game.

My team got the ball. Kristen tackled the ball from Brent and flipped it to Crawford. Crawford ran past Mickey and Karisma. The goal was blocked by the opposing team. I was open. Crawf scooped the ball and it went flying in the air. I went for the ball, kicked it in with a somersault.

Perfect goal!!! My team came cheering and congratulating me. Compliments were thrown at me like a crowd throwing flowers at a celebrity. A moment of spotlight. It felt good.

'Okay. Okay enough. I should be filming a video. If there's anything, I'd be in my room. Ciao!' I said and ran back into the house.

I freshened up and ran up to my room eager to film a video. I got my camera and set it in from of the window. Sunlight shinig towards me, so that my eyes would change colour.

My eyes are just so wierd and confusing. They should learn to make up their mind. I chuckled at that thought.

I pressed the record button and something when off. I got annoyed with the sound. I turned around to see the Crawford's laptop switched on with skype ringing.

'Crawf!!! Dude. Your laptop is ringing!' I shouted. You've got to be kidding me. Now I need to re-film my video! 'Arghhh!' I grumbled.

I rushed to door and shouted for Crawford again.

'What?! Why are you yelling?' Crawf asked a little irritated. Oh no he shouln't be!

'Your laptop!' I shouted and pointed to the direction where it was located.

Ouh was all he said. He rushed to his laptop and answered the call.

Crawford answered the call and I stood behind watching every move.

A girl popped up on the screen. Who is she? I wondered to myself, trying my hardest to recall who she was.


Okay. I know I took forever. Sorry. I've been writing the story on paper. The later chapters so that I dont go out of the story. Two books can be a little tough.

Exams are nearing as well. So... Yeah. I know you guys will understand.

And I hope you guys read my other book as well. 'The Perfect Love'

Please vote and ℱℴℓℓℴω me. XD


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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