A Puppeteer's Love Story [Izuku x Meri]

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Special thanks to Kibstar (@grimmy666666) on Twitter for the approval use of his OC's. Be sure to check him out and comment if you want more of his OC's in the One-Shot series.


Another day passed by for the students of UA as they departed from class. Going on with friends to hang around during their weekend. All but Izuku Midoriya as he wandered around the park nearby the school as he had nothing to do. The girls were all going for a 'girls night out' while Iida had been asked to help Mineta and Kaminari with studying.

"Ahhh~ What should I do? It's so boring with out Uraraka and Iida." Izuku said to himself as he sat down by a nearby bench at the park and looked up to the sky. "It's no fun being all alone. Especially again." "DIE!" Izuku flintch as he recognized that voice nearby. He looked back and forth to see where it came from.

"Kacchan." "Give it up! Their's no way you'll win!" The voice said as Izuku followed the voice to the center plaza of the park, only to find a large group of kids with adults sitting on the sidelines as a large box with red drapes opened seemed to be the main focus of the kids. He saw a few puppets on the box as one looked like Bakugou, but with a villainous suit and a sown evil grin.

"A...puppet show? Wow, whoever is playing Kacchan, they got his voice perfectly." Izuku said to himself as he watched from afar and listened carefully to the show. "The ferocious villain, King Bomb, said as he roared an evil laugh across the sky. No hero could match his power in all the land. Until, one day, a brave hero awoke one morning in destined to change the world with his noble heart and finally defeat De Scallion!"

The story teller told as Izuku knew it was a girl by the voice. The curtains dropped down as it was apparently the end for now. The children cheered for more but sadly their parents took them away from the plaza and now was looking empty and vast.

'Aw. Just when it seemed like the hero would rise and venture into the story.' Izuku thought as he enjoyed the story. Mostly how who ever was doing the voices really captured the tale. And also the fact that laughing at a puppet that looked like Bakugou, was probably gonna be the best for him than acutally laughing at the real thing.

He noticed a girl coming from behind the stage and folding up everything back into a small chest like box. From what Izuku saw that she went to his school because of the uniform. Momentarily realizing that she was the one that set up the whole show by herself.

"Okay, now I gotta get this voice right before the next show." The girl said as her voice was filled with determination and an odd cute attractiveness to it. She had somewhat pale purple hair in which looked like it bobbed half of her hear then spit off in various directions. Along with equally purple eyes that seemed fitting for her.

On her hair were two hairpins Izuku could assume they looked like two skulls but 'cute' as that added more charm into the mysterious puppet girl. She bend over to her bag with various keychains hanging off, most of which handmade, and brought out a few puppets she had inside. The girl had her index and pinky fingers out and her middle and ring finger together and closed them off with her thumb.

Izuku saw that the palm of her hand had formed a mouth. "Woah, that's a pretty interesting quirk. Is that how she can do various voices? I wonder what class she's in?" Izuku muttered to himself quietly as he sat by a nearby tree, hoping to see how her quirk worked and what she going to do?

"Ahh-Ahhh. Test. Testingggg~ *Ahem* Okay, now...YEAAH!" The girl moved her hand as she moved it according to words and suddenly the voice sounded like Present Mic screaming with enthusiasm. "Okay..now um, DIE!" She mimicked Bakugou's voice as she made her hand grin and snear along the different ways of pronouncing 'die'.

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