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She peered into the hut hesitantly that Kaki had told her to go to.

"I want you to give this to that newcomer alright?", she had said. Kaurvaki nodded a little hesitantly and followed her instructions.

This was the hut part of the grouped huts where he was supposed to live in. One boy named Venu came by.

"Are you looking for anything?"

She nodded, "Kakai wanted me to give this to the, er, uh, the newcomer."

"My name is Ashok."

She turned to see a boy that looked nothing like the fishermen at Kalinga. His appearance was more regal, and his complexion not as dark as the fishermen. Her expression remained neutral. "Yes, sorry...", she replied with a genuine apology. 

He seemed to be trying to analyze something behind his eyes. She quickly brought forth the basket Kaki had instructed her to give. "I was to give this to you..."

He took the basket and slightly nodded his head. 

"Kaki also told me to tell you that feel free never to be hesitant if you need anything, as you are by yourself."

"Ashok's not by himself!", Venu exclaimed. He came and slung a friendly arm on Ashok's shoulder. 

Kaurvaki tried to keep her expression neutral, but it was hard not to laugh, as Ashok clearly didn't seem pleased with this gesture, and he kind of frowned. 

What is with this boy?

He seemed very reserved and didn't even smile. Venu didn't seem to notice, and he just stood there grinning from ear to ear.

"I shall take my leave now", Kaurvaki said as she turned around.

"Wait!", Venu said.

She tilted her head, "Yes?"

"You're Jagathnath uncle's Daughter right?"

She nodded.

"Could you tell him I kept the tarps over on the other planks, as the waves didn't fare too well?"

"Yes, I'll mention it. Anything else?"

He seemed to be thinking, then looked embarrassed. "Um, er sorry, but I didn't quite remember...uh..."

Kaurvaki stood with a puzzled look.

Venu glanced at Ashok.

Ashok turned to her, "What is your name?"

Kaurvaki slightly laughed. "It's fine, not many people remember it. It's Kaurvaki."

Venu nodded.

She exchanged a farewell and left.

Ashok turned back to Venu. "You've been living here since you first took a breath and you don't know her name."

Venu shrugged sheepishly, "It's not like that, she's more of the quiet ones, plus we barely talk to the fisher-girls. I just recognize her because her father brings her on the expeditions sometimes."

Venu saw that Ashok still had the basket, he took it from him and put it in a secured place, "Never mind that! Let us go for setting the tarps up!"

By noon the sun was at it's peak, but Ashok continued tying the knots of the tarps.

"Come on Ashok! Join us for our noon break!" Neel was standing above him.

 He squinted and went back to finishing up the tarp knots. "I don't finish something I haven't completed."

Neel stood there stunned. 

"I will join shortly, you all go, it's fine."

His expression turned back normal and he smiled slightly, "Ok...you sure?"

Ashok nodded and didn't look to see if Neel had left. He continued tying the knots. Securing it, watching it loop through the intricate intersections.

"Just like these knots, I must find loop-holes, ways in..."

His gaze furrowed in realization.

This is the right time for me to search for it!

He got up and scanned the beach. Many of the people were already settling for a noon break, he could go now.

He walked closer to the array of huts, making sure the shade made him unnoticeable. Doing this at night hadn't worked as well, so he was restricted to daytime. His dark eyes scanned the surroundings.

There was the outer dwelling hut where most of the fishermen good were kept. This could be a suitable place to find it.

Glancing around once more he made his way inside and took in the various items neatly placed in the ideal section. The tarps were stacked up in one place, the nets in another, and such.

He fiddled around the place, picking up various things and looking to see if anything was hidden underneath while still making sure to keep it back as it originally was. 

He was getting more and more frustrated as he went through a dozen nets, tarps, and fish-hooks. He clenched his fists and squeezed his eyes shut.

Where does this one thing have to be!

He opened his eyes and scanned the place once more. There was a small chest. He rushed over there and quickly tried opening it. It was latched.

He huffed in disappointment. This couldn't be happening right now! He scoured the place for something to open it up! Anything!

"What are you doing here?"

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