Pool Nights

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***(Warning Mature Content)
Kaya waited until Keith had fallen into a deep sleep. His body was still and peaceful while he snored. She slipped quietly out of the house. A huge coat covered her shivering body as she strolled quietly into the night.

Ben waited patiently for her. His slender body leaned against the side of the white cement building. He adjusted his black leather jacket and looked out cooly scanning the dark streets as he puffed smoke clouds into the chilled open air.

His blonde hair fell neatly against his chiseled jawline. Ben's cheekbones had a smooth unscaved devlish allure to them, while his muscular frame was molded from the Gods.

He was so handsome that he was on the verge of being beautiful. Ben's crooked nose bridge accented into his deep predatory eyes. While his muscular frame outlined the structure of a well kept man. Like slow torments his thick eyelashes fluttered under the ridges of perfection.

He smiled, one of those tiny corner of the mouth curls that expressed "life is good".

He heard dainty footsteps approaching in the distance and when he moved into the light the shadow of his upper lip hairs became visible. Ben's icy blue eyes emerged when he saw Kaya, like emerald crystals in a coal mine.

Ben shoved his hands into his pockets as he waited for her to be close enough to hear him.

"Hello my dreaming gale" his sighed greeting her happily as the words confidently rolled of his tongue.

Kaya squinted jumping at every rustle and quiet movement in the bushes. She was paranoid, "Hi Ben, why are we outside and not in the classroom?" she squeaked.

Ben's big calloused hands engulfed around her petite fingers as he drew her in. Kaya's chest grazed his collar bone when they awkwardly collided "because art is everywhere my goddess" his playful whisper tickled her eardrums and insides.

Ben led her to the side of the building where a tall white gate stood as an entrance to a private pool. He looked her body over like a ruler does a angle, "be prepared to get wet" he told her.

Ben's mouth was pressed firmly shut, it was part of his calm and confident demeanor. However, on the inside every muscle was twitching with nervousness. He had never done this before especially with such a beautiful woman.

Kaya raised an eyebrow, she couldn't deny the sexual haze that loomed over them like tiny particles, "If it's not art I don't want to do it" she said planting her feet firmly.

Ben opened the gate, ushering her in like a gentlemen, "It is I promise, today we are going to be working with watercolors" he grinned with excitement.

Kaya bit her bottom lip, she had so much pent up anger, and frustration in her life. Then Ben had come along with all of the answers as if to mentally fuck her. She felt like a sparking fuse and Ben was her vibrator.

Ben lead her to the side of the pool, the water was as clear as the reflection of the ripe moon that touched it. Little ripples spread across the circular water disturbing it's still state. A light hint of chlorine and fresh sea salt tickled their nostrils as they stood in the quietness.

Kaya peared at the water, mesmerized, it looked so clear and depthless. She could see her shapely silhouette between the shimmering green crystal foam.

A tiny bulb flickered above the private pool zapping with lively trepidation like yellow bellied fireflies. Until an overcast white fog emitted softly throughout the patio.

Ben took of his shirt in one sweeping motion, his hair tousled in a messy array, "take off your clothes" he demanded.

Kaya looked down at the water nervously, "I can't swim well" she confessed kicking off her shoes.

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