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Surprise surprise!!! Update: a day early! You guys are awesome! You deserve this! :3

Also, as a little give and take, what would you think if I hosted a Billdip-Mabcifica fan art contest? Any takers? Is it even a good idea at this point?

It wasn't until lunch that I heard the newest rumor.

I was pissed.

"Did you hear? Dipper got a boyfriend...who dumped him."

"Apparently even boys don't like him enough to stay."

"He's only good to be used, as we all thought."

Comments were made.

"Dipper's a loser."

"If he weren't one maybe his boyfriend wouldn't have left - or better yet, he'd have a girlfriend!"

"Speaking of him, what kind of name even is Dipper?"

The only issues I had with this other than incorrect information being spread was one, I'm starting to be insulted for being gay, two, that means my dad might figure some shit out with a call from the school if I ever tried to get help, and three, there was also people saying that I'm weak or not worth time if I couldn't even keep someone.

I was heartbroken, so the days tended to blur by.

If only Bill were here with me...

On one day, the next day from these rumors, I wore the chain outside of my shirt one day so that everyone could remember my boyfriend who had seen him.

It was a good day, I suppose. The best it could get without Bill around.

Everyone who had seen Bill previously was on the ground, clutching their heads as soon as they saw the necklace. It was like waves of people just fell.

I didn't realize that Bill was so social. And popular.

Ring. Ring.

Class time had come.

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