Chapter 75

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"Discipline" I growled at the young children making them shiver in fear.

"The most important things you'll need to become fighters are discipline! Control and indifference." I hovered over the young fighters.

This kids should be ready for anything. We could be having a war and they needed to know how to protect themselves against rouges if none of us could protect them.

"Discipline will help you with everything. Control will give you the power to influence on people's behavior. It will give you power over yourself. It will make sure you do not do anything wrong. And indifference will help you win. If you want to win you must forget about emotions. Emotions and feelings will make you loose. Do not even remotely consider thinking about sparing anyone."

"If you don't kill them. Then they will kill you. That is what we call life" I said lowly.

"Are there any questions?"

"What exactly is discipline Alpha?" A young boy not older than thirteen asked me bravely.

"Practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.

The fear dripped from their faces.

"Show me what you've got kids"


"Val can you please open the door?"  Sasha asked once more.

How many times did I have to tell everyone that I did not want to see anyone?. I didn't want them. I didn't need no friends to help me cope. I was fine with myself. Alone. Like I always was.

I didn't want to hear their voices. I didn't want to see their faces. The only face I wanted to see was Ace's.

The anger once again consumed me from inside. I lost the little drop of control left inside of me. I punched the closest object next to me. Making the shattering pieces of glass fall on the floor.

"I told you not to bother me!" I growled in anger.

I looked at myself inside the shattered mirror. My eyes flashed red. My skin pale. I was disgusted. I was not surprised Ace avoided me.

"Val open the door before I break it down!" Sasha screamed in anger.

"Why don't you leave me like everyone else did!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The door burst open and Sasha ran to my side.

"Val what have you done? Please calm down" she tried to sooth me.

"Don't touch me!" I exclaimed pushing her hands of me. I brushed my hair away from my face with my bloody hands making my face dirty too.

I took a step back and sat on my bed.

"Val I hate to see you like this"

"Then leave" I growled.

"Val I-" She got cutt off when Ashton ran to my room panic written on his face.

"Alpha.....Ace!" He exclaimed breathlessly making my legs weaken. Ace! What happened?

"What happened?" I was on my feet by now.

"There has been another note left for you. There was an attack! Ace is gone! They took him!" He exclaimed.

All the hate. All the anger once hidden inside of me. All the pain and suffering I had was let out. I was ready to destroy anyone. No one and nothing could stop me. I would make them pay for this even if this costs me my life.

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