06 :: Do You Ever Really Crash?

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  • Dedicated to Badz

CHAPTER 6: Do You Ever Really Crash?

"Are you shitting me?!" Louie screamed when I picked up his call. If my ringtone didn't fully wake me, that sure did.

It was noontime on a Saturday. For my body clock, it was too damn early and being met with a lecture from my best friend didn't seem like the best way to start the day.

"Hello to you, too," I casually said, yawning.

"Nuh-uh," he said abruptly. "You ain't doing that innocent shit. What the hell, Trev?"

"I'm guessing you heard about the FIFA and chill incident?" I asked, sitting up the bed.

"Yeah, London's circle of gossip girls told her about you and Cas riding home together."

"So what? You sound like a jealous ex right now," I said. "And I really don't appreciate your sister spying on me."

"That's disgusting," he said and I could practically hear his face scrunch up. "Just tell me how the hell that happened?"

"I invited her to play FIFA, you know, to see if she was the mystery writer or not," I explained.

"Then your dick fell outta your pants?"

"She was begging for it!" I reasoned out. "Why are you even mad about this? At least I now know that Cassidy isn't the one."

"Oh, so you're still keen on finding this mystery girl?" he asked.

My eyebrows furrowed at the question. I thought it was obvious. "Of course," I answered. "Why would you think otherwise?"

"Because you fucked another girl!"

"She was all over me. What else could I have done?"

He scoffed. "Uhm, I don't know. Maybe you could have not slept with her," he deadpanned. "I thought you were done with all the sleeping around thing when you found the diary."

"The diary girl's great and all," I defended, "But I have certain needs that can't be fulfilled by just reading a notebook."

"You have issues, man. I don't even know why I stick with all your crap."

I smiled. I knew Louie would put up with all the crap I drag him into. He's just that great of a friend.

We've known each other since 3rd grade when he thought he could take me on a fight. Well, turns out he can. I went home with a black eye and a missing tooth that afternoon. But the following day, I acted out my revenge plot of throwing day-old tater tots at him. He ate them.

He thought the tater tots were a peace offering and I was too chicken to tell him otherwise. We've been best friends since that.

"Anyway there are two girls left and one of them's Kaye."

"Then go find out if it's really Kaye," he advised.

"I would but I haven't seen her all week," I said.

"Then go to Emma. If you find out that she's not the mystery girl, then you know that it's Kaye since there aren't any girls left," he pointed out.

I groaned. Emma Grange. The brief, blurry memory of my morning after with her was totally whacked. "As much as I would like to know that Emma isn't the mystery girl, I can't go to her."

There was a pause on Louie's end of the line. "Why?"

I laughed dryly. "I've done a fair amount of stupid shit in my life but this one tops them all," I said, chuckling even more. "Yeah, I ain't telling you this one."

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