Village Meeting

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Ashok made sure that the girl was not persuing on her suspicions. He was sure she would tell someone, though no one would pay heed to her words, he still couldn't risk anything. A day after he was tying the tarps, and when he casually glanced about, he noticed her to be suspiciously watching from a distant.

Never the less, he could manage a stare-down, and brought forth his penetrating gaze. She tried holding it, but quickly glanced the other way unconfertably, and continued her walk.

Ashok would have to hold onto his search.

As the sun set forth, one fishermen came about in a rush to inform everyone.

He knocked on the hut of Jagthnath.

"What happened?"

The man was out of breath, and he quickly informed him about the village meeting being conducted, and left in haste to inform the others.

"What happened Baba?", Kaurvaki asked.

Her father looked worried. "A village meeting has been summoned. This is very sudden, it must be something grave..."

She nodded. "Can I come..."

He shook his head, "No, you stay here."

She didn't object as her father left, but she definentily wondered what it could be.

"Village meeting! Very Urgent!", the calls rang out in the air as the men of the familiy went out to gather.

"Ashok!", Venu called out to him, as he went to meet him.

"What is happening?", Ashok asked.

Venu shook his head, "If a meeting has been called so urgently, then it must be a serious matter. Come, lets go."

The boys joined the group already gathered by the cakling fire at the center. The sun barely showed through the horizon as it set. If a meeting was happening this late, then something must be wrong.

Venu and Ashok stood towards the edge of the circled crowd. The tribe heads and elders were at the center.

The head of the village stepped up. "As you all must be wondering why we have called a meeting in such haste"

Murmurs of questions passed by.

The sun was almost completely down, and the fire flicked about in the center. Ashok noticed a shadow flick in the area close to the sheds.

Who would be hiding?

Ashok turned back to the meeting.

The village head continued, "It indeed is a matter that we must look upon in all seriousness. As you all know, the borders between Maghada and us have been calm recently."

Everyone agreed. The tension was evident.

"But that was due to Maghada's dealing with internal disputes...there has been some insident brewing once more-"

Imedietly the crowd grew unmanagable. Men roared at how the people of Kalinga could handle it. Many dared maghada to move forward and push past them.

The village head raised his hands, "Calm down everyone. Calm down."

Once he was satisfied, he resumed, "Though it was small, the people must still be ready. We can't risk anything."

Everyone agreed.

"What about the Meenakshi festival?", one fisherman called out. The rest of the crowd voiced their concerns for celebrating the festival.

The elders went into some discussion, they then notified the village head.

The village head adressed the people, "Do not worry, we shall continue preparations for the festival."

There were murmers of relief.

"But, we must slowly edge together preperations for defense mode as directed by the main council of mantries in Kalinga. All cities and villages must slowly prepare for defense mode incase that time is to come again."

They started disucssing the nessesities.

Ashok wispered to Venu, "There is much preperation over a small incident?"

Venu whispered back, "Well, we are Kalingans, we are evr the most prepared for anything. Especialy Maghada."

Ashok wanted to ask more, but he decided other-wise.

He turned back to listen intently on the plans being devised for defense.

"Alright everyone", the village head concluded, "Get some rest. Shubh rathri."

"Shubh rathri", everyone said bidding farewells as they departed.

Kaurvaki peeked out see the figures of the people leaving. She squinted her eyes.

I would have to get through before Baba reaches home. Luckily it is dark.

She could easily make it through without being noticed.

"So you were the one hiding there."

Kaurvaki almost jumped, but kept her composure as she saw the familiar youth. It was Ashok. She could barely make out his figure from the almost pretruding darkness, but she knew it was him.

"So? I'm listening to the village meeting", she replied.

"Then why did you need to hide?", he asked.

She thought over what to say back, he definentily wasn't trust-worthy. "Why does that matter to you? I should be asking why you had to hide and go into the storage shed."

She couldn't make-out his expression, but he bluntly replied, "I already said, I went to collect the tarps. Now it is best if you mind your own business."

He walked past her before she could say anything. Now she was sure of it; Ashok was not what he seemed to be, he was hiding something.

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