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Lance: What's going on. I try to open my eyes but it causes pain to erupt so I stop trying. I can't remember what happened, I don't know where I am. Soft voices everywhere. At first I can't understand them, but they slowly become understandable. They come in chunks. ...lance... hurt... do. It huts to think, I don't want to keep going. I fall into darkness. 

3rd person: Lance's friends don't know what to do, they just saw there friend cry for the lost of clance who they knew lance hold dear to his heart. Right now lance is in the medical room in the castle that landed in a planet. The team are standing that  room in complete silence, lotor was also in the room but even he was silent just standing there looking at lance his back to twords the others. You may not believe it but during the time he and lance has spent together he has fallen for the boy. He was really the only one to make him smile, to ever make him feel... anything. He cares deeply for him. "So what are we to do about lance", allura said as she walked in with coran, as you can see something has happen to lance, even the data says he has changed. She looks at lotor with a piercing glare. "Nothing", is all he says. Allura straightens up with rage, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU MONSTER, she yells tears falling down her face. Lotor suddenly turns to her and the team and what they see surprises them. Tears were falling down his face, he had an anger frown on his face. "DO YOU THINK I WANT THIS FOR HIM, DO YOU THINK I WANT HIM TO BE IN PAIN, YOU MONSTER NEVER CARED ABOUT HIM, ALWAYS CALLING HIM STUPID, TELLING HIM TO SHUT UP, ALWAYS IGNORING HIM, AND YOU CALL ME THE MONSTER, I CARE ABOUT HIM, I LOVE HIM, I... I never wanted this. He walks out trying to pick him self up, cursing himself for losing it in front of his enemies. Everyone else in the room were shocked, shocked that the heartless, evil lotor they thought has feelings, could actually care. Mabey just maybe they should work together to defeat the bigger picture. Mabey if they gave him a chance...

Lance: Yells, then more yells... silence. What's going on, well I won't find out if I don't wake up huh. Should I keep living after what happen? The memories rush around my head like a hurricane, both good both bad. I made my decision...

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