•25- Dollings•

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The Warden stood tall and confident in front of me, even though it was like facing death. I snarled at him, telling him to come and get me. They did once before, but I was stronger now. I could do as I please.

"I'm just here to talk," said the Warden, kicking the wood floor below him. I frowned, eyeing him carefully. He always tried to pull this shit on me back in the prison, there's no reason I should believe him now.

He shrugged at me for no reason. "I have a feeling that you don't believe me, but I wouldn't blame you. I did make your life hell after all," he added a laugh at the end. I stood still, not doing or saying anything. My wolf was getting pissed off, but I had him under control for now.

The Warden stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a veil with liquid in it. I growled, watching him closely. For all I know, that could be poisonous. "Don't worry, it's an offering my dear boy," he smiles wickedly, putting it back in his pocket, "it will make your life way better. You'll be free of your mate." My ears perk up and my wolf growls as he took over. I cursed to myself, all I could do was watch now.

I shook my head, no. "Come on Ace, it completely removes the mate bond. It's been tested, so don't you worry your pretty little he's off about it," his eyes held mischief as he spoke to me. I took a few steps forward, keeping full eye contact with him.

He just kept smiling at me, nothing else. I opened my mouth to bite him, but he talks, disrupting me. "Before you kill me and get it over with, how about we see how your mate is doing," I look up, my wolf taking interest. I frowned, just wanting to kill the Warden and get it over with. "She didn't get tortured like the usual," he says, walking away. I follow, close behind him, "We want her to have a new mate if you use this serum and we found the perfect guy," he sings. My wolf wanted to attack him, but the least I could do was not let him. Now I wanted to know what the hell he was going for.

If I lost Lillian, I'd lose the strength I wanted. I didn't care for her, but my wolf did. Losing her wolf devastate my wolf and put us into a never ending argument that could harm us, maybe even kill us. I hate to admit it, but that little mess of a mate was important to us.

The Warden stopped in front of a door and held up his finger, telling me to be quiet. He put his ear up against the door, I followed, listening closely.

"Hey my little mate," said a male voice in a sweet tone. I clenched my teeth together, I hated the sound of his voice. It was so gross and unpleasing! Lillian would never want a new mate, her wolf wouldn't accept it. As for her human side, I didn't know what to expect.

I heard rustling, "Don't hug me!" I heard Lillian shout, fear in her voice. I feel the door move, as if somebody was getting slammed against it. "Please," she whimpered, "leave me alone." My wolf moaned for her, telling me tear that door open and attack the guy holding her against her will.

I looked up at the Warden with a disapproving look. This wasn't going to end well for him. I might add in killing his family because, why not? He holds his finger up again, telling me to listen.

"Lillian, stop, please," they boy begged her, "just take a chance! I can be a better mate than Ace. I can treat you like a princess and be your everything. I won't give up till you understand that there's somebody out there who care for you," he said, desperation in his voice. I took a step away from the door, surprised at what I heard. He did t know her, but supposedly loved my mate? Good luck trying to get her to love you back, she's stuck stuck to me under the laws of the mate bond.

Lillian sniffles, as if she was about to cry. "I don't care. I don't care. I don't care," she repeated for a minute before changing her speech pattern. "Ace hates me, but he's my mate. I hate him, but he's my mate. He's a crazy serial killer, but he is my mate. There is nothing real that can get rid of this cursed mate bond." My wolf whimpered and I had no emotions from those comments. She was right, she is stuck with me.

"But I told you, they made a new medicine that will break that mate bond!" the boy shouted. I knew what he was talking about, the veil the Warden had shown me earlier.

Lillian sighed, "I don't trust it," she breaths out in a silent voice. Smart girl, never trust the government that tries to kill you. Learned that one a long time ago.

I wanted to bust down this door, but I wanted to keep hearing what she had to say. Maybe it will attribute to her punishment later, after I save her ass.

"I had it, and look at me, I'm happy!" the guys says in a happy tone. So he was the first test subject, I wonder what happened to his mate afterwards.

Lillian gasped, "You sick fuck!" she shouts, shoving him and he fell to the floor with a thump. "That's how your fucking mate died, you killed her by breaking the mate bond!"

I backed away from the door, snarling. The Warden looked at me with wide eyes, "N-no, that's not true," he whispered. It was no secret we were outside the door though, the doorknob began to wiggle.

I licked my lips and ran at him, he tried to shift into his wolf, but mid-shift I got his heart. He stopped shifted and fell to the floor as a hideous beast. I turned away in disgust, I've only seen this a few times, and every time I think about the creatures we are.

The door opens and Lillian is standing there in hardly anything, but a small shirt. Her eyes were glossy, but no tears ran down her face. What a strong girl she was, I'll have to give her that. My wolf got excited and began walking towards her, but a shadow quickly approached her from behind. I growled and ran towards her, but something hit her head and before I knew it, she fell to the floor unconscious.

This time, I let my wolf out and killed the blonde boy, hanging his insides out the widow to "air out".

I poked at my mate's body, to see if she was awake, but she was out cold. I sighed and got her onto my back for the journey back to place.


You all are going to hate me for the next chapter.

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