Date destroyer

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<<previously on

"Ahh, don't tell like Mina?!, Is she the one that you're liking?" Jihyo added, chaeyoung smiled a bit but she hide it...

"That's lame unnie" chaeyoung said then she can't handle her smile anymore so she turned her head away from jihyo...

"Omo, you're blushing chaeyoung-ah!, You responded 'that's lame' but you didn't say 'no' WAAAHH, MICHAENG is reallll!!!" Jihyo said..


(At mibam's date)

Mina and bambam went into different places, amusement park, restaurant, park and many more, they spent their night together, admiring each other sincerely, but Sana kept on texting Mina to make sure their date is going well, you know supportive best friend be like...

From: kimsana~

Miguri!!, How is it? Is it fun? C'mon keep me updated!

Mina receives another text message from Sana, making bambam and Mina stopped talking for awhile, Mina let out a deep sigh and open her phone..

"Who is it? Sana again?" Bambam said, Mina nodded and shows the message to bambam..

"She's really supportive right?" Bambam said while chuckling..

"Yes she is"

"You're lucky to have a friend like her" he added and Mina nodded...

Mina and bambam ended into the playground sitting into the swing, pushing their selves back and fort..

"So..thanks for going out with me tonight mina-ya I appreciate it" bambam said, Mina looked at him and smiled..

"Ah it's nothing, I should be the one who shall thank you.....thanks for understanding and waiting for me...btw sorry for chaeyoung's attitude lately"

"It's nothing I know she's jealous..."

"Jealous?, Ha are you kidding me?, Why would she?" Mina said, bambam moves his shoulders and lowered his head....Mina smirked and looked at him...

"Jealous?" She added while raising one of her brows..

"What?, No, I know I'll lose to her, and you'll pick her so.."

"Are you sure?" Mina said, bambam raised his head and looked at Mina who's smiling and staring at the stars..

"Aish, you know I was planning to move on right....well its not easy for me if I'm moving on alone, but then you're here so it'll be easy" she added..

"So, I have a chance?" Bambam said excitedly, Mina stood up and fixed ​her dress..then she smirked at bambam

"Let's see" she said then she leave bambam alone at the playground confused....

"Yah, that's unfair" he shouted, Mina turned her back to him and about to leave the playground..

"Try a little harder bam, you're so near.." she shouted back and smirked, bambam stood up from the swing and run to catch Mina, but then Mina saw him running so she runs too..

"Wait!" Bambam said, he run fast as he could to Catch that penguin, until he catches her, bambam hugged her waist and they're both giggling, until they stopped laughing still hugging each other, their face is getting closer....and closer...they're about to kiss and then...


A bottle hit bambam's head making the two of them stopped know...

"Aw" bambam said, Mina's expression shows that she's shocked, the two of them let go of each Other, Mina rubs bambam's head to heal the pain..

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