Chapter Twelve

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Ten minutes later, I'm tiptoeing across the hall with my shoes in my hand. I slip into the guest room, also known as Diego's old room, and crack open the window just like he instructed. I look at the tree about three feet away and cringe slightly. If I miss this jump...

"Hey!" Diego whisper-yells from the grass below. I look down at him and he nods. "You got it," he encourages me. "Drop your shoes."

My shoes make a quiet thud as they hit the ground, or him, I'm not sure which. I lean out the window and clumsily drape my arms around the tree. My body smacks against it as I pull myself out of the house. I wince as my stomach jolts from the impact. Even Diego cringes for me. I try to scoot down the tree but end up sliding uncomfortably and slowly until my feet hit the ground.

"I'd throw singles at you if I had any," he whispers as he lightly brushes my hip for guidance. In the dimly lit yard, I shoot him a glare and he grins at me. We jog out of the grass and my heart is going a mile a minute. We hit the sidewalk and slow down until we reach the corner. I see the familiar truck parked and I look to Diego.

"Isn't your dad home?" I ask.

"No he comes back tomorrow morning," he explains. "This is my last night with her." He pats the cars hood as he opens the door for me. I climb in and wait for him to join me. When he does, his eyes scan my face. I stare back and wait for a reaction but he only sighs and starts the car.

"What?" I ask and he shakes his head dismissively.

"Are you hungry...friend?" he asks me.

"No," I answer as I touch my stomach lightly. The only thing I can feel are butterflies so for all I know, I can be starving. "Are you?"

"No, I just had to make sure you ate," he replies. When I look at him and smile, he turns and pulls out of his spot. "Like a good friend should, you know?"

"Are you seriously going to do this all night?" I ask him as the smile drops from my face. It's replaced with narrowed eyes and a frown.

"Do what?" he plays clueless.

"Friend this, friend that," I retort.

"You don't like it?" he asks and I shake my head. "How's 'Buddy?' 'Pal?' 'Amiga?'"

Instead of replying, I turn on the radio. A Spanish song starts playing and I look at Diego, who glances at me out of the corner of his eye in slight embarrassment. "You were listening to this?"

"Yeah," he replies. "You can change it though. Just turn the dial."

"Do you know this song?" I ask him.

"Yeah," he trails and I smile at him.

"Would it be weird for me to ask you to sing it?" I reply and he looks at me.

"I'm not a good singer," he explains.

"I didn't ask that," I say. "So can you?"

I turn the music up a bit more and he quietly joins in. I have no idea what he's saying but it sounds beautiful and it makes me even more attracted to him, if that's even possible. We sit like that for a while, with him either singing or humming along to the songs playing and me watching him adoringly.

"We're here," he says as the sound of gravel beneath the tires alerts me that we are no longer on the main road. I get out of the car before he can open the door for me and wait for him to come around to my side. I hear the trunk opening and he appears with a basket.

"A picnic?" I ask and he nods with a large grin on his face.

"Can you use your flashlight to guide us?" he asks as he nearly trips over a rock.

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