Chapter 5

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Crystal's Pov: It's been a week since I've returned home, and lets just say I'm growing insane. Everywhere I go it's either my mother scolding me, trying to influence me into being a better heir, or that same irritating girl. And I can hardly believe as she does, she tries attempting to chat with me. The only time I get some peace is when I go out on Thunder, and even then I have the nagging thoughts of what awaits me back at the castle.

Reaching towards my neck I grab the short whistle before blowing into it, bringing an ear piercing screech that slices through the cool night air, heard for miles in all directions. Before I know it, the loud flapping of wings bringing mighty winds and Thunder is landing in front of me, powerful wings sending winds in all direction.

"Hey Thunder." I whisper, not that quiet would really help after both my whistle and his landing, walking up to my mighty great bird. Thunder is a Occamy, one the last of his kind with his swirling snake like tail sending powerful winds in all directions, to his vibrant greens and blues shining on his polished scales, and his large beautiful feathered wings. But most of all Thunder's power to control the weather around it.

Once I mount Thunder, straddling just above his neck between his head and wings, I click my tongue, with that one small sound Thunder takes off immediately into the air. Flying up in night air with the moon shining down, I can see everything, while the cool air pricks my skin.

While enjoying the cool midnight air, I catch a glimpse of my mother's eyes, standing on her room's private balcony. Watching Thunder and I whip all over the place. She doesn't even motion me to come back, just merely watches with curious eyes. But before looking away I notice someone else standing by her side, the girl who showed up the day I returned, the girl they called Leader. I hold back a sneer, who does she think she is? Coming to my home, to my kingdom, getting so cozy with the Queen, with my mother and twisting my emotions, is she a werewolf or a dark witch with such power. Trying to bend me to her will? Does she want me for power? Why does my heart hurt and why can't I stop dreaming of those horrendously gorgeous eyes, or the way her hips sway as she passes me in the halls.

Queen Candice's Pov: "Why does she like to go up in the sky on her familiar so much?" Leader asks with curiosity, and a bit of untouched wonder while watching Thunder's gliding movements.

"Because she feels at peace up there, she's always loved the midnight air. Its calming to her, it makes her feel truly free. But I didn't call you up here to chat about why she likes going up there in the night. We must talk about you two being mates, and what's your next move to catch Crystal. One wrong move and Crystal will disappear from you like she has before when she was just a child. and it took a full month to catch her, and that was just because another child petted Thunder when he was a chick." I mutter not taking my gaze off Crystal and Thunder.

Leader's Pov: "I honestly don't know... I've thought about it allot. I just don't know where to start." I shrug helplessly while watching my mate soaring through the air, "I tried talking to her, catching her into a conversation in the hallways but she keeps on ignoring me and walking away. I don't think she's even glanced in my direction since I got here." I whisper with tears brimming my eyes, threatening to spill into a waterfall.

"Well my dear we'll have to brainstorm and figure something out then." The Queen whispers before adding, "Looks like she's finally noticed us." I haven't done anything to her, I haven't even been close enough to, so why does she have so much against me? I sniffle and turn my sights back to the sky

Queen Candice's Pov: I watch as Leader looks up at them with a curious gaze, looking back to my daughter I end up finding my her staring back with a look I couldn't even explain. Somehow she stares at the teen beside me with something between extreme annoyance and slight admiration, a combination I hadn't yet witnessed.

"I think she notices the mate bond but it isn't registering in her brain, that or her level of stubbornness in denying it is making her believe it's something else entirely." Leader murmurs sadly.

"I know..." I say as I watch Crystal finally rip her gaze away from Leader, a visible huff as she turns away from us, flying off further into the distance.

"Did you ever have a certain someone?" Leader asks.

"Yes I did," my eyes turn glassy even thinking about him, "I still do, but there's reasons why he isn't around." I murmur out sadly, looking towards the stars.

"Oh..." Is all she whispers, easily taking the que not to ask.

Unknown's Pov: I watch as she flies in the air on her familiar. She has become quite a witch over the years. I cannot wait to break her, slowly and painfully destroy her pesky strong will, crush her will to live, bend her to my liking and hold off just inches from the final snap, oh I can hear her delicious screams of agony already, and along with the rest of those other pesky royals. I shall rip them all to shreds, once the time is upon us all I will have my fun. The time of change will come with the Apocalypse.

I shall meet you again young witch, but next time I may not be watching. I may just rip off that little mates little tiny pathetic head off, just to hear your wailing, to see you try and fight, to break your fingers under my foot and laugh at your blood dripping to the ground. Or I could merely kidnap the girl and make that young foolish witch go insane just like her rotting mother.

Now then, I must go attend to my prisoner. If the nuisance is still alive that is.

Crystal's Pov: While in the skies with Thunder, I finally look down to find eyes staring at me, from the mountain lines. Eyes filled with anger, a murderous insane look in his eyes. He wanted blood but yet held himself back as if it wasn't yet time to release his insanity. A shiver runs down my spine just from the fraction of a second I held that gaze, so short I'm not even sure he noticed before turning my gaze elsewhere, keeping a glance from the corner of my vision.

I watch as he stares but soon turns and leaves into the darkness of the night. That man. He's the one from that day.

~~~Flash Back- from 3rd book, The Werewolf Heir~~~

Maya's Pov: I can only stare and watch in horror as flying arrows go shooting past our heads, with fire blasting down from above, somewhere on the 'ceiling' of this cavern. The ground around us then starts breaking off in chunks and falling away, leaving us stranded on a tiny patch of rock not even three feet in diameter, barely enough room for the both of us to stand, surrounded by burning molten rock. In the middle of lava.

Some guy walks up clapping, face covered in shadows. "Well done, I do say for the next heirs of your species, you've gotten quite far indeed. You are admittedly pretty brave to come in here to rescue a fellow royal." The man says with a very cold voice.

"Who are you?" Crystal hisses out in a low whisper. I can sense her fear but she quickly pushes it away, now is not the time to show a coward's fear.

"Your worse nightmare. We'll meet again, someday. Assuming you are to survive that is, but alas for now, you shall rot in here. Unless you can find a way to escape, which is highly unlikely, your little patch of rock there" he pointed a cloaked arm towards our feet "Shall be your last stand." He says very coldly with a smirk on his shadowed face.

Crystal and I stare at the man, as he starts to walk away, an insane laughed flowing from him in his wake. "Oh, and by the way, Oliver is it? He should be dead by now, glad of it. Now for his brother."

Who is that man? And why did he just say Oliver should be dead by now!?!?!?!

Once he disappears from my sight, turning to Crystal I ask, "Who was that man? And how the hell are we going to get out of this mess?" my eyes wide with panic even though I try to be strong in this situation, we have to escape.

"I don't know." Is all she whispers in a defeated tone.

~~~End of flashback~~~

Crystals Pov: The man who left us to die, yet let us live at the same time. A horrified feeling creeps up my neck. But why is he here of all places. And why now of all times.

How'd I do? Thoughts? Ideas? I love to hear others ideas.-Catmaster  

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