Another Cruel Day

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It's 6:30 am. A loud ringing goes straight into Baekhyun's ear. ''Uuh..'' He turns around to turn off his alarm clock and decides to stay a little longer in his cozy and warm bed.

Light sun rays shine through his small window and if he listens closely he can hear the light morning wind. Baekhyun shuts his eyes slightly and sighs ''another cruel day''. He stands up slowly to get ready for the place he would like to avoid the most. But he can't. Slowly he walks to the bathroom where he stands in front of the mirror and looks at himself. *why me? why?* His gaze wanders to his wrist. His wrist looks so cruel from all his cuttings.

A few tears gather in his eyes as he sees all the cuts. He focused back on his morning routine and starts to brush his teeth and to wash his face.
Back in his room, he changes his clothes into a light brown pullover and black skinny jeans. And not to forget his glasses and his old cap which his father had given him to his birthday years ago.

Downstairs in the kitchen, he sees his exhausted mother who works at many part-time jobs

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Downstairs in the kitchen, he sees his exhausted mother who works at many part-time jobs. Because since the death of his father, she must work hard for their money to keep a life.

"Morning mom", she stops cutting the vegetables. "Oh, good morning my darling!" She smiles, but I know she just pretends, that she only does so that I don't worry, but I can sense that she isn't alright.

''Mom, when did you come home?'' my mom answered while she's packing my lunch for school ''uh, I guess at 2:30 am.'' I raised my eyes. ''what?'' She smiles again. ''Sweetie, don't always worry okay? I'm alright. Just focus on your studies hm?''

''But did you even slee-..'', I couldn't finish my sentence.
''It's okay'' she said and kissed me on my forehead. ''You have to go to school now sweetie. I made you lunch. Here.'' I took the lunch box from her hands and put it in my bag. I thanked her and grabbed my bag. I put my jacket, scarf, and shoes on and when I was on my way out my mom yelled ''have a good day sweetie!'' *hm, a good day huh?* Of course, she doesn't know about my problems, because she's barely at home and I don't want to tell her because I don't want her to stress more and to worry about me.

I walked along the streets. Fallen leaves are everywhere and the wind blows slightly through the streets. It's a bit cold, but I'm fine with it.
I arrived at the bus stop and while I was waiting for the arrival of the bus, I was lost again in my thoughts. I'm always wondering why me? What's the point of going to this place, where I'm only disregarded or expelled? Where shitty rumors go around. Do they not care about the feelings of others? Don't they even think about that I get 'hurt'? It's all for their 'fun'. It's not fair..but when is life ever fair? ..

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