Chapter 2: Walking!

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Toby's POV

"Yay!" I yelled.

"Toby! Do you even know where we are going?!" yelled (Y/N).

"Well, yes and no." I say.

"Wait.. So you know where we are going, but you don't know which way?" says (Y/N).

"Exactamondo!" I said.


"But worry! I'll trust my.. Um.. Oh yeah! Landmarks Masky placed for me so I could remember." I continued.

"Who's Masky?" asked (Y/N).

"He's a friend! You'll met him soon!"

After many hours of searching, Toby finally found a landmark that Masky had left for him. The landmark was just a faded pink ribbon tied to a tree branch.

"There it is!" I said with a bubbly tone.

"The ribbon?"

"Yeah! We just go north from here. Oh and don't worry nothing bad will happen since I'm around!" I told (Y/N).


Finally, the sun seemed to finally start coming out of it's hiding spot.

"Aw.. It's about to be morning.." I said.

A yawn escaped from (Y/N).

"Oh.. I'm sorry, I wasn't able to get much sleep today since.. You know.. You came and ya.."

"It's alright you can sleep soon when we get the our destination!" I said.

"Well.. We didn't really get to know each other today-yesterday-ish. So perhaps, when we get to where ever we're we can learn about each other there!" said (Y/N)

"Sure!" I said with a smile even though (Y/N) couldn't see it.

After a couple more minutes passed by we finally got to the mansion. When I looked at (Y/N)'s face, she looked excited and surprised. I couldn't help, but look at her with her beautiful features..

A/N: I, uh.. Um.. Sorry? I'll try my best to update more often, I'm just a hardcore procrastinator and I finally have school again.. So, I'm sorry..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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