37 one day before

361 13 6

The party went well. We listened to all star too many times. Seeing Dan was a surprise...
I spoke with him.

Me and Sal are hoping to go out today, to a burger place called Ellis Burger. We will then shop to hearts content and go back to f/n's apartment. She has to out to work today, and I got a text earlier from her saying that she will be out til tomorrow.
Nearly Everyone is leaving tomorrow... Even Sally. This will be, odd. Going for seeing all, to seeing one, to seeing all, then to be seeing one again. Even then, I have no job, no friends - besides f/n - and I have only the clothes I brought with me.
I needed to go out, and that why I'm going out with Sally.

To detox.

To relax.

To shop my ass off.

Sally's p o v

I call Dan.

No respond. So I text him.

You packed.

Hey buddy.

You ready for today?

Meeting up in front of rembrants house, okay?

Yo dude. Whre are you?




Okay! Im here!


So. You go off to the flea
market and get whatever,
and then I will stand by her,
or whatever and then we will
talk and IDK. Sally, what are we

Getting you and my cousin
together again! You were

Okay. I have no choice?


I close my phone and then it rings. Burrito Trash No. 1 says the nsme display.


Once we get to Rembrandt's house, I spot Dan. He blends in well with other tall Dutch men. I see him looking at me. Get looks nervous, was this my fault?

Suddenly, dodie calls me.

"Sorry, this is an important call... can i-?" I ask to Y/N she nods and I walk off.

"Dodie? How, why did you call at this time?"

"I'm watching you. I'm at the cafe. I'm waving. Look. Left- no a bit more - right. Yup!" She days and I turn to see her smiling and waving wearing large circular sunglasses. I turn back to y/n to see Dan talking to her. He smiles at dodie. They had their own plan...

Dan's p o v

I walk over to y/n she sees me and looks shocked, I knew it was a surprise to see me, so I greet her and say I was meeting up with Dodie.

"Oh, yeah, I'm meeting up with Sally. She just went off to take a phone call..." She says, turning behind three corner to find her, then to not find get. I see the realisation of a setup in her eyes. But she Carry's on. Maybe she wanted to get back together.


We walked around Amsterdam, forgetting about Sally and Dodie, and we begin bonding.

We get to her - f/n - apartment, and then she realizes... Sally has the key.

We then go to my hotel. Phil isn't there...

I turn to her. She is looking at the ground. I couldn't kiss her now... but I open the door, Phil was in with it too.
The beds were made, and my bag was hidden away. There was water on the table... this looked beautiful, but very natural, for a hotel room...

I sighed, but y/n seemed oblivious to the situation.

"I missed you..." she said. I look up, she is playing with her hands, and looking down.

"...I missed you too...." I say.

I stand to to pick up the bottled water. I turn around and suddenly y/n and I are within a deep kiss.
Tears are streaming down her face, and I feel the dampness sink into my pores.

Finally pull away, and we are holding each other close.

Then I remember...

"I'm leaving in the morning..." I say. She looks up at me. And smiles, suddenly.

"So am I..."

Panel // Daniel Howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now