~ Ch. 5 ~

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~ Dan Howell ~

After a few extensively long classes, I managed to make it through until the end of fourth period. Period five is lunch, and thank god cause although my brain told me I wasn't hungry, my stomach sure did. At the moment, I'm being dragged through the halls and down a flight of stairs. By who? Only the boy I have a giant fucking crush on.. And he grabbed my FREAKIN HAND. 

I'm fine. 

As we get into the large, drab cafeteria and get into the line, Dodie starts talking Tyler's ear off about something. I sort of stand there a bit awkwardly, really wishing I had more people skills. Before I know it, there's an arm pressed against mine and a stunning, smiling boy next to me. 

"Don't worry, we're not ignoring you," Phil says quietly. Well, as quiet as you can be in a room full of high schoolers. "Dodie just.. She's a lot. You know?" 

"Sure," I chuckle, smiling a little. 

"You'll get used to it," Phil shrugs. "If you decide to stick with us losers." 

"You guys don't seem like 'losers," I say, as I grab some soggy burger as we reach the front of the line. 

Phil follows after me, continuing with his point. "I beg to differ, Howell."

"Really? What would make you so completely odd?" 

"Well, I might as well tell you before you hear it from some cheerleader trying to impress the pretty boy. I happen to like to kiss boys. A lot. Plus my family and I don't get along. Oh and the mental health is down the drain.. But you know.." Phil says softly, sitting down across from me at one of the tables. I did hear all of what he said, don't get me wrong.. But I'm currently stuck on the fact that he called me pretty. 

 Dodie slides into the seat next to me, looking toward Phil and I. "What are we talking about?" 

"Being losers," Phil mutters. 

"Wow," she mumbles.

"I still don't think you guys are losers."

"We're all a little strange. This group is the very definition of loser," Dodie says honestly.

"That's an opinion," I mutter, still staying firm on my thoughts on the topic. 

"You hardly know how this school works. We're losers, and you are too." She sighs. I wanted to object, but she's right. "I mean, I'm bi and have multiple mental health issues, we're just weird. We stick out in a crowd. Not that that is a bad thing."

"So, What's your deal, Danny?" Tyler asks curiously, leaning forward. 

"Do you guys just do this? Go around talking about your issues?" I wonder, not sure if I really wanna get into talking about my problems. 

"No one's forcing you, I was just curious," Tyler shrugs. 

"Well, I like boys, and I guess I like girls.. So that makes me bi? And I've got anxiety, but that one was obvious," I say slowly, quite unsure about my own thoughts. "But I've never really had any experience so, I guess it's hard to say." 

"Bi as in likes boys?" Tyler asks although the answer is common knowledge. 

"And girls, yes," I nod, chuckling.

"And you're single?" Phil asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure am," I say, rolling my eyes. "Not by choice though."

"You'll be pleased to know I'm extremely single," Tyler says with a flirtatious wink, making me laugh.

"Hey, I'm single too!" Phil interjects with a pout. Okay, that was adorable. Someone shoot me. 

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