Puppet Master- I

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"Alys, wake up

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"Alys, wake up."

Something lightly grazed my lower leg; the sensation stirring the darkness within my mind. A small murmur left my mouth as I pushed my face into the pillow. Almost instantly I was back to a sound sleep. Sheets left my body and the cold bite of the air outside settled against my skin.

"Alys..." it was a threatening growl, and my eyes squeezed tightly as I slowly regained consciousness. Apparently, not soon enough.

The pain on my leg made my eyes fly open and I yipped and pulled away immediately. My gaze shot up to find my mother, noting instantly how she crossed her arms over her chest; her own challenging gleam within her eyes.

"Did you just pinch me?" Yet my words weren't really a question, I could still feel the tight sting on my calf as my fingers rubbed the spot firmly.

My mother narrowed her eyes somewhat, auburn hair framing her pretty, cold face. "Oh don't be so dramatic. It was only a light one; nothing worse than what you would do to me when you were an infant."

I thunked my head against the back wall and ran my fingers into my pale blonde hair, letting my palms cover my eyes from the harsh light. I knew she was still hovering. "What time is it?" I asked dryly.

"It's 6:50"

My blue eyes widened as I realized that I had slept in. "What!?" I jumped off my bed and ran past her. I glanced at the blinking of alarm clock that had reset itself in the middle of the night.

"Apparently the power went out," She said mildly as she saw where my eyes had trailed, "It's pathetic that in such a modern day of living, we still have such sorry excuses happen."

"But if you knew about it," I turned to meet those brown eyes, "Why the hell didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"Don't use that language with me." My mother hissed before finding her composure again, "I was watching the news and it didn't cross my mind since I figured your phone was still working."

I held her gaze for only a second longer before I resumed putting on my pants. We both knew I never used my phone to wake me up; I never slept with it near me. I paced to the bathroom fumbling for my tooth brush and looking for a clean shirt amongst the mess, feeling my mother's eyes trace me as I went.

"I encourage you to hurry Alys. You'll still most likely be late, but I don't want you hanging around here anymore than you have to." she said blandly as she began walking away, most likely about to return to her news and some coffee.

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