[After Story]: Shouto's Confession 1/2

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"Todoroki? Hey Todoroki... EARTH TO TODOROKI."

Shouto snapped out of his trance and looked over at Ochaco, realizing she had been calling his name for awhile

"Oh. What is it?" He nonchalantly answered.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You've been spacing out for awhile." She questioned in a worried tone, making her way over to him.

"Ahh... Is that so..."

The entirety of class 1-a was outside in the field, experimenting to see how their quirks could be used to overcome various obstacles. You were over next to Katsuki, trying to convince him that blowing up the obstacle was not always the best way around it.

"What have you been looking at anyways?" Ochaco stood next to Shouto and lined her sight up with his. Her mouth fell open slightly.

"Todoroki, have you been looking at (y/n) this whole time?" Shouto glanced over at her in a puzzled fashion.

"I suppose... I have been." His ton was quiet and distraught. He himself didn't realize he was staring. After all, he had told himself to push down his feelings. Shouto's brow furrowed as he turned his eyes towards the ground. Ochaco noticed the shift in mood.

"Todoroki, do you... Like (y/n)?"

He did. He really did. What was worse is that he knew it too. But he couldn't have you.

"No..." He muttered, turning away from her and walking off. "I don't."

- - -

  "Shouto! Sit next to me!" You yelled excitedly across the lunch room, waving the boy down. He nodded silently and approached the seat next to you.  

"Nuh uh, there's no way in hell I'm siting next to Icyhot." Katsuki growled over to you.

"Well first of all, fuck off. Second of all, he's sitting next to me, not you. So don't complain." You responded sassily.


Shouto ignored the bickering and took his seat. next to you.

- - -

"God you eat like such a fucking slob." Katsuki said, poking your cheek as you slurped up your noodles.

"Can I not even eat my food without you criticizing me?" You groaned before raising an eyebrow. "I mean if I recall correctly, remember last night you-"

"YOU SAID YOU WOULD NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT YOU SHITTY GIRL." Katsuki yelled, slapping his hand over your mouth to cut you off. In the process he accidentally hit the spoon you were holding, causing hot broth to spill onto your wrist.

"OUCH." You pulled away from him and quickly shook your hand. There was an apparent red mark on your flesh. You huffed a bit, ready to give Katsuki a piece of your mind. But before you had a chance to unleash your wrath, Shouto grabbed your wrist and began to cool it down.

"Does this... Feel okay?" He questioned, his cheeks reddening slightly.

"Yup! Thanks so much Shouto!"


"Are you gonna use your quirk to cool it down?" Shouto asked with a slightly annoyed tone. He couldn't help it. He didn't like it when you got hurt for any reason. It pissed him off even more that your own boyfriend caused it and didn't even bother to apologize. You looked up at him, a bit shocked by his words. Ochaco peered across the table, noting the slight blush on the boys face.

Katsuki didn't speak up after that. He resorted to cursing silently under his breath as he watched, noticing the gentle smile you wore. Shouto made you smile like that, and that pissed him off.

- - -

"Bakugou, what do you think you're doing?" Shouto questioned, clearly irritated. Katsuki stood before him, blocking his exit from the classroom.

"I see you always looking at her." The blond growled, walking toward him.

"I think you need to get your eyes checked." Shouto retorted, his eyes narrowing.

"Tch, don't think I can't see the obvious icyhot." Katsuki took Shouto by the collar of his uniform. "I see how you always try to take care of her, how you bring an extra umbrella in case she forgets hers, how you put extra food on her plate when she's not looking at lunch. I see all of it." Katsuki's eyes narrowed. "That's not your fucking job. Got it you damn half and hal-"

"Are you going to do it? Take care of her like she deserves?" Shouto coldly responded, slapping Katsuki's hand off of him.

"I DO-"

"No you don't." Shouto didn't raise his voice often, but he was stirred up by weeks of trying to mask his feelings. "And how can you just blatantly insult her the way you do?! You're so lucky to have her and you don't even realize it! That pisses me off!" Shouto shoved his way past the seething blond, nearly leaving fire in his wake.

Katsuki didn't try to stop him as he left the room. He instead stood there for a few moments, realizing that he had only inflamed the situation further. He didn't want to admit it, but Shouto's words had hit him hard. 

Yes Katsuki Bakugou loved you, but that didn't change who he was.

-Heights Alliance: Nighttime-

"Todoroki?" Ochaco called over to the boy sitting on the stairs outside of their dorm. "May I sit next to you?" He looked back at her and nodded gently.


They sat there for a bit in silence, enjoying the warm night air. Shouto in particular was completely lost in thought. He peered at the ground and twiddled with his thumbs in an effort to distract himself. 

He was thinking back to the first school trip of last semester, when he had offered to take you back to the inn after Katsuki broke your wrist. That was when Katuski shouted out to the whole class that he liked you. Shouto thought that maybe, just maybe, if he hadn't egged Katsuki on that day, things would have turned out differently.

"I think you should tell her." Ochaco said out of the blue. Shouto's eyes widened. He wanted to deny it further, but he knew now that no matter what he said she wouldn't believe him.

"Was it... That obvious?" He said softly.

"Yup. I mean, that and I also heard you and Bakugou talking in the classroom after school."

"... I see..." There was another paused before Ochaco spoke up again.

"So what's stopping you Todoroki?"

"(Y/n)'s dating Bakugou, it's wrong for me to tell her how I feel."

"Really?" Ochaco tilted her head in a puzzled fashion before looking up towards the stars. "I don't think it's so wrong. After all you can't help that you fell for her, right?" Shouto's eyes widened. He brought his hands to his face, resting his elbows on his knees as he hunched over.

"She's... gonna reject me..."

"Yeah, she is." Ochaco said bluntly. "But that's better then (y/n) never knowing, because you won't be able to move on until you tell her."

She was right and he knew it. While it hurt him to know that you didn't feel the same way, it hurt him even more that he had to constantly lie to you. Shouto's chest ached and his throat tightened. 

He knew what he had to do.

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