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Mark's Pov

I was surprised to see them enter all at the same time, especially that Samantha was there. I wanted to call out her name but I was too tired to do so. I watched her facial expression changed, she looks broken now. 

"Girls...please keep it down." Sean quietly spoke. I was heartbroken to see everyone like this BECAUSE OF ME! Samantha slowly walks towards me, she observes me silently while quietly sobbing. Rachel walks behind her and rubs her shoulder to calm her down. I hate seeing my students in distress because of me who is a teacher. 

"What..happened?" Samantha finally broke the tension of this cold room.  Sean stands up and walks behind her.

 "They said it was a blockage in the heart, It wasmostly because of stress "

That made all of the people in the room more panicked. I can see it in there faces, they're lose me. I wanted to say something. I need to tell them to stop worrying. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'M FINE!

I inhaled loudly, drawing their attention to me. Samantha quickly came to me and bends over to my level. Her focus looks intense, like her main responsibility is me now. I tried my best to open my mouth, gathering all the strength in my body, I also managed to call out her name.


"Y-Yes Mark? What is it?" She says nervously, listening to me closely.

"I-I'm f-fi..fine" I managed to say those words, and exhaled slowly. Samantha stands straight  and turns away from me. I can hear quietly crying, she's broken. Did I make it even worst now? No. Please, Samantha. 

"What did he say, Sam?" Rachel asks but Samantha didn't reply. 

"Samantha.. What did he-" Before Rachel could finish her question, Samantha runs out the door. Everyone in the room is left with total confusion, including me. Was it my fault? Did I do something wrong? Rachel quickly ran after her. That leaves four of us in the room now and the tension became strong again. No one was saying anything. 

Few minutes of hell past then the door opened, revealing a nurse with a tray full of food. I must admit that I was pretty hungry, I know it was hospital food which totally sucks but it better to eat this than nothing. The nurse carefully put the tray on the bed table and politely left the room. 

"Now carefully eat it buddy!" Sean said acting like his okay, hiding all the pain.

I looked at the tray of food, that didn't look as good. Soup, Porridge, fruits and....what's this? I found a small box that was covered with blue polka dots. I wanted to open that box but my body was too weak to even lift my arm. Felix soon realized what was going on and decided to help. He had to feed me, it was embarrassing! Ugh, why? 

"It's okay, Mark... Don't feel shy or anything... This will be a good practice for me for the future baby, me and Maria are going to have!" Felix jokes, and I silently laughed. Sean laughs as well while Marzia is blushing and hiding her face in the background. Thank god for Felix, things are lightened now.   "By the way, who were those girls?" Felix asks Sean. 

"Those were Mark's students from the school, they're close with us so I called them as well." 

"I see, they seem like good kids. Nice to know that students really care about there teachers.." Marzia adds. 

I want to meet her now. 

Hope she's okay..


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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