•Twenty Four•

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It's been around 6 months since the Governor attacked us, since then we've brought in more people and given them a home. We have a garden now and pigs we can use for food, there's been no sign of the Governor and no one's been bit in 30 days. All we can do is hope it stays like this.

Glenn and I were lying in bed, he slowly moved my arm and sat up. "I don't want you going today." He sighed.

I had a pregnancy scare, I'm sure I'm not but we won't know for sure until I get my hands on a test and this was clearly the reason he wasn't wanting me to go on the run.

"Glenn, I'm going. This is what I do, it's what I'm good at." I tried to convince him.

"What if-"

"I'm going and that's that." I told him, placing a small kiss on his lips before getting dressed and leaving the cell, not allowing him to protest.

I walked outside and started loading up one of the cars.

"Hey, I'd like to start pulling my weight around here." One of the new guys said to me.

"Bob, it's only been a week." I told him, with a sigh.

"Yeah, and that's a weeks worth of meals." He quickly shot back with a shrug.

"I don't even know you yet. You were on your own when Daryl found you and out there on those runs we play as a team, I just need to make sure you can do that." I sighed leaning against the car.

"You know he was a medic in the army." Glenn informed me with a small smile.

"Okay." I nodded, realising that would be useful. "just listen to everything I say, we gotta be safe." I ordered getting in the car.


We arrived at the place we were gonna do the sweep. I stepped out of the car, grabbing my bow and quiver as I made my way over to the fence.

"Alright, lets make a sweep. Grab what you can we'll come back tomorrow with more people." I ordered placing an arrow in my bow as I walked to the front of the store.

Daryl sat at the edge of the window and banged his elbow on it. "Just give it a second."

"I think I got it." Zach suddenly announced, smiling over at Daryl.

"Got what?" Michonne questioned as we all eyed the young boy.

"I've been trying to guess what Daryl did before the outbreak." He told us.

"Yeah you've been tryna guess for 6 weeks." Daryl mocked, with a small chuckle.

"I'm pacing myself." Zach held up his hands in defence.

"Alright shoot." Daryl encouraged.

"Homicide cop." Zach said causing us all to laugh.

"Whats so funny?" Daryl asked. "He's right, undercover."

"Dude, really?" Zach excitedly asked.

Daryl turned to Zach giving him a look that said 'No.'

Just then walkers began to bash on the windows from in the store, we carefully killed them and dragged them outside.

"Alright, stay safe and keep it quick." I ordered, making my way into the store.

I took my cart and did a sweep through my isle, I stopped in my tracks as I seen pregnancy tests. I slowly picked one up with my shaky hand.

I sighed to myself did I even want a baby? I mean we're finally safe, we have a good home but how long was it going to last? Is it too much of a risk?

Idyllic - Glenn RheeWhere stories live. Discover now