Chapter One

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*Emily POV*

I entered the unfamiliar building, my eyes scanning through the entire room. It wasn't as different as my old school in America, so I guess this could be okay. For as long as I could remember, it had been a dream to travel to Europe.

I could already picture myself walking amongst everyone, allowing their sweet accents to fill my ears.

But when I begged my mom to let me travel to Europe, I meant just that.


It was never in my intentions to leave my friends and family in Texas and begin a new life here for good.

I'n not going to complain. I'm still very grateful to be here but I never imagined myself in a new house, in a new school, in a new country, and in a new continent.

I felt a rush of anxiousness entering me when I walked into my new high school and witnessed students giggling and smiling amongst each other. 

I had finally realized something I didn't even bother to think about before. I don't know anyone. At all.

I fiddled with my fingers and let out a deep breath before walking over to my locker.

Locker 916

I made it a mission in my head to get to my locker as soon as possible, but I couldn't help the way people looked over at me. I picked up my speed and kept my head down, ignoring the whispers and rude comments thrown my way.

Locker 913


Locker 914


Locker 915


Locker 916


I hastily began to organize my locker and the attention seemed to be seething down. I let out a sigh of relief and closed my locker. While turning around I was met by a face dangerously close to mine.

He was really handsome.

His jaw was defined and his short, brown hair was spiked up. His lips were curved into a seductive smirk, which made me wince.

I stood there, staring at him, breathing in his scent.

"What's wrong, baby? Don't you speak?" his voice seemed taunting and I froze.

Why am I so awkward?

Why wont any words come out of my mouth?

Why cant I move?

I internally groaned and the man spoke up again

"I guess you don't speak, then. My name is Jaden. And yours is..." He waited for me to finish.

I didn't answer, being the stupid person I am.

I'm going to need to get used to this. I'm usually sarcastic, loud, and obnoxious but when I come to a new school in a new continent, I can't help but get the slightest bit intimidated. I know that once I get used to this place, i'll be my old self again, but for now, I guess i'll just be an awkward duck that roams around without saying a word to anyone.

"I..I..uh." I stuttered, causing Jaden to chuckle.

"Alright well then I guess you don't speak. When you decide not to act like a complete loser, call me." he grinned, giving me a piece of paper with his number on it.

As soon as he walked away, I clenched my jaw and ripped the piece of paper into four pieces before dropping it on the floor and strutting away.

That's right, Emily. Get your groove back.

I decided to look through my schedule and find all my classes early, so that I wouldn't have to struggle later.

I took this as an excuse to observe my surroundings and find out a little bit about the people I will be spending five days a week with.

"Alice, please baby, don't run away from me!" A blonde man yelled, chasing after a short girl, who seemed to be running away from him in order to make it into the restrooms.

Ah, they're that couple. They're the couple of the school who seem to break up and get back together every other day. "Alice" is probably a major drama queen and blames that boyfriend of hers for everything. The guy will probably get tired of her soon. He'll realize she's not worth the constant drama and arguments and they'll act like complete strangers.

But that's just my guess.

When I realized the bell had rung, I quickly headed toward my first period, making sure to avoid any eye contact. I took a seat next to a boy with slicked-back hair, thick glasses, and khaki pants.

I could literally feel his gaze from beside me and I turned to reach his eyes. The boy looked down at his desk again and began to blush furiously.

Is this how people from different countries flirt? It's a bit odd.

I decided against calling him out and observed the room around me.

I picked my next victim and immedietely began to judge her. She wore skinny jeans and a shirt that might as well be called a bra. Seriously, that shirt is way too short for my liking. Anyway, she leaned over a desk where a familiar boy sat at.

Jaden. Shit.

I snapped my head away and ended up facing the blushing-dude again. And to my surprise, he had been staring at me again. This time, though, I decided to call him out... Nicely.

"Yes?" I questioned the boy who started blushing again.

I just said one word, gosh.

"Uh...'s up?" his eyes widened and I giggled at his attempt of saying something "cool".

"Did you need something? Since you keep staring  at me and all."

"Um, no, I just- uh, are you American?"

I smiled at him, and decided to put him out of the embarrassment he must feel and answered his question.

"Yeah, I'm Emily, nice to meet you." I spoke quietly, making sure to not get anyone else's attention, and sticking my hand out for him to shake.

He observed my hand cautiously before taking it slowly and shaking it.

"H-arry." he managed to breath out.

I smiled at him and then decided to repeat his name, testing the way it felt on my lips.

"Harry." I nodded, before continuing.

"I think we're going to be great friends."


Hey guys! I know this first chapter was really short but the nest one will be longer, I promise! Anyway, please comment and vote so that I know that at least one person is reading it, haha.

Love you x


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