Chapter 4

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Things heat up a bit in this ;)

Slightly shorter? I can't remember as these are all pre-written :P


A heavy feeling rested on Vikk's chest as he secured the straps on the thick, leather bag. He pushed it back under the loose floorboard under his bed, then he breathed out a heavy sigh.

The weight on his chest seemed to get heavier as he recalled what he had been doing over the last two days. Sneaking around behind his loved ones' backs, stealing precious food, constantly making lame excuses and lying. Was this the pain of keeping a secret? It this what it had felt like for his five boyfriends to hide theirs from him? It was a tremendously horrible thing.

Vikk jumped up when he heard thundering footsteps and spun around just in time to see Harry enter the room. The blond looked pleased to see him, but raised an eyebrow at the tension in his posture.

"I'm relieved of duty!" Harry stated proudly and moved towards Vikk, "And seeing as you are too..." Harry wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. 

Vikk chuckled, feeling Harry's arms wrap around his waist and lips attach to his neck. Then Vikk remembered his plans, and, guilt swelling in his chest, gently pushed Harry away.

"Not now Haz..." Vikk mumbled, forcing his attention to the floor. He missed Harry's touch dearly, but this was, unfortunately, more important right now.

Harry's face fell and his arms rested dejectedly at his sides. He watched Vikk as the boy stood, swaying slightly, and his frown deepened.

"You don't love us anymore." Harry accused, startlingly Vikk.

"What?" Harry no!" Vikk cried out, "I reject you once and you accuse me like this!"

Harry's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "It's not just this one time though. First with Josh when he tried to kiss you the other day, then Tobi came sniffling when you ran away from his embrace. The last person you properly showed affection to was Simon! And that was only because he gave you a piece of Starfruit!"

Vikk felt anger and embarrassment bubble in his blood. Yes, it was true that he had done everything Harry said, but he hated how they got annoyed at him for little things, when they had been hiding things from him! In his anger, he shouted his irritation at Harry.

"You can fuck off Harold! You and all the bloody others go off on your little tantrums when I do a teeny tiny thing wrong. Yet, it it okay that I have tolerate being caged up like a FUCKING ANIMAL FOR A WHOLE YEAR!" Vikk yelled with all the rage he had been bottling inside for the last two weeks.

"And I don't even know why! You've never told me and probably never will. I'll be stuck here for the rest of my pitiful life, watching as you five strong men go out and see the world!" Josh and Simon had ran in mid-way through, and froze at the sight of a devastated Vikk pouring his heart out to a startled Harry.

"Maybe you don't trust me? Maybe you think I'm not good enough to go out there with you? Or maybe you are all cunts who have no regard for others! I'm sick of it!" Vikk's yelling paused and his voice simmered into a pained whisper, "I want to be burdened with your darkest secrets because they won't change how much I love you... All of you..."

By now, everyone was here, all looking astonished. Vikk sat on his bed, catching his breath. Tears of frustration streamed down his face in hot waterfalls. Nobody said anything, so Vikk carried on.

"But what I would love to know most is why...? Just why..." Vikk broke down into heavy sobs, pressing his wet face into his hands.

"Vikk," Josh began, trying to take control of the situations as he was the leader, "We-"

Vikk interrupted before he could carry on, "I think I better have some time alone to calm down." He didn't move except for removing his hands and drying his face with his sleeves. "can you all leave me for a bit please."


"Please." Vikk insisted, not looking up to see who had said his name desperately. He didn't care in the slightest at that moment.

Hesitantly, they filed out like scolded school children. The door closed quietly behind them. Vikk collapsed fully onto his bed and listened as a hushed argument started outside.

With a heavy heart and a hurt conscience, Vikk decided that tonight would be the night.


So, things escalated quickly xD

I hope you enjoyed!

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