A New Friend?

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Cory's POV (Man, I need to find a place for Dawn's POV again. Maybe later. XD)

Bane grabbed my hand and ran down the hallway, our footsteps echoing in time with the siren blaring through the facility. She suddenly stopped abruptly in front of the cell that I'd been taken out of, and pressed her keycard up to the door, waiting for the click that meant it was unlocked.

I heard the loud footsteps of people running towards us, so I put pressure on the door, waiting for it to open. As soon as it did, I rushed inside the cell, pulling Bane with me, who yelped in protest. I ignored Dawn's bewildered face as I shut it behind us, making sure to keep my foot between the door and the wall, preventing it from closing all the way.

When the footsteps passed, I sighed in relief, and turned to see Dawn still sitting on the bed, looking like he had just watched me cut my own head off.

"Quick thinking," Bane praised, smiling.

"Wh-what? Who are you? Why is there an alarm? What did you do?!" Dawn stuttered.

"Dawn, this is.... Bane," I explained hesitantly. "She's helping us escape."

"Here, give me your hand," Bane asked, holding out the keycard to Dawn. He lifted his shackled wrists and she quickly unlocked them.

As she was doing so, I was able to get a good look at her. Bane was wearing the same clothes as all of the other employees in here, but with large blue and white earmuffs, or cordless headphones, that covered the sides of her head. Her hair was long, and it was a smooth shade of many different colors, making her hair look like a muted rainbow of pinks, purples, greens, reds, and blues. She also wore pale gray and blue tennis shoes. Her eyes were the strangest, with the left one being purple, and the right one was magenta pink.

"There. That should do it," Bane said, letting the shackles fall into her outstretched hand.

I peeked out the door for a second, looking up and down the hallway. "Coast is clear." (Old jokes, I know. XD)

"Wait, Cory," Dawn whispered, coming closer to me. "Are you sure we can trust her? I'm not so sure about this."

"We don't have much of a choice. We might just have to take that risk. She also took our handcuffs off. And she's currently standing right behind us," I pointed out, shrugging.

Dawn quickly developed a blank expression. "Fair enough."

"We should go," Bane reasoned. "As much as I'd love to stay and chat in this lovely prison cell, there is more time to get to know each other when we get out of here. Trust me."

She slowly pulled the door open, relieving my foot from the pressure. Heading out, she led the way down the hall, confident but wary. Dawn stood close to me, rubbing his wrist. He leaned in to whisper in my ear. "I don't trust someone who won't tell us that she's carrying a gun in the sleeve of her uniform."

I looked at him in disbelief. "Seriously?"

He nodded. "I saw it poking out when she was taking off my handcuffs. And my scanner picked it up as well."

"She's attempting to break people out of a prison where people are beaten to the point of nearly no return. She needs a way to defend herself," I protested, but this revelation unsettled me. What is Bane trying to achieve by freeing us? "Let's just go. We'll discuss this when we've left this place."

"Fine." Dawn huffed, but wrapped his arm around my shoulder and let me support him as we followed Bane.

She paused as we reached a corner. After checking if it was clear, she turned back to us. "Ok. The exit is around the next bend, but there are two guards that are in the way, and most likely two more by the gate. We can also make a quick stop at the armory if we need to, because that's right here as well." Bane pointed at me. "You and I will take out the first ones. Just a quick, clean knockout. Here, take this," and she pulled out a small, metal-plated club and handed it to me. I hefted it in my fist. Bane dug around in her pockets again and procured a ripped piece of cloth. "Or you can use this. It's covered in chloroform, but I only have one."

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