Chapter 5

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Alex's POV

(Before he came to the coffee shop, with Laurens)



Hey, you online?

Yeah, just got to college! I'm really excited to start studying marine biology!

Cool I just got to my college too!

What college do you go to?

Kings college.

No way! Same!

Maybe we can meet somewhere if you want?

Sure! Let's go to this wicked new coffee shop! I've only been there once and I'm already in love!

Sounds great!

What's your dorm number? I can go pick you up from there!


Okay I'm coming over!

I closed my laptop and got ready waiting for my friend John to come over. We've never actually met, but we've talked a lot online. I don't have a phone and I never have had a phone, to expensive. I just have my worn down laptop that Thomas gave me like 8 years ago. The screen was cracked from being thrown around by my father, and it was old unlike most people's sleek, skinny, new shiny silver ones.

I heard a knock on the door and raced over to get it.

"Hi is this Alexander Hamilton's dorm?" John asked.

"Yes it is!" I replied, excitedly.

"Great! ... where is he?" John asked.

"Um your looking at him" I replied.

"Oh right of course I am, well then let's go!" John said, spinning on his heel away from the door, beckoning for me to follow.

"Um so where is this coffee shop?" I asked, trying to make conversation. (How does one make conversation?)

"Oh its just a short ways away from here!" John replied simply.

After that we kinda just walked in awkward silence.

Damn it's hard making conversation.... it was a lot easier when I was texting him...

But then finally John spoke up to take over and be the one to try to make conversation.

"So why don't we get to know each other better?" John suggested.

"Yeah." I reply simply, not knowing what to say becuase I'm socially awkward.

After that we just sorta asked each other questions, it was really fun! But of course the fun doesn't last forever.

We were in the line up at the coffee shop, and were laughing about- I don't even know what! When he came up.

Thomas's POV

I couldn't stand looking at them any longer, jealousy was burning in my stomach.

I got up from my seat and walked over to them.

"Hey. Who's your friend Hammy?" I asked, trying not to lose my temper. I could see Alex flinch at his nickname, I used to call him that when we were younger becuase I thought his last name was silly and reminded me of Ham so I called him Hammy.

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