Chapter 30

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"Brooke,"  I heard someone whisper. Maybe I'm just dreaming.

"Brooke," The voice repeated again and by this time, I felt shivers crawl up my spine. I was starting to become afraid.

"Brooke," It repeated. I felt hot breath on my neck and suddenly my mind started to process everything. There was someone in my room. I shot up and looked around. To say that I was scared was an understatement. I was terrified.

I whipped my head around to my side and found a figure crouched down, looking at me. I let out a high ptiched scream and  kicked the thing with my legs and started running to the other side of the room. I started crying as I reached for the switch since I wasn't able to turn on my bedside lamp, which was where the figure was crouched down.

I turned it on and found some blonde hair sticking out from the side of the bed.

"Luke?" I nearly screamed. I ran over to his side and found him holding his temples in his hands.

"Are you okay?" I asked dhkm when I noticed his bleeding forehead.

"Do you think I'm okay?" He hissed, "You practically ninja kicked me!"

"Well you think it's my fault? I'm not the one sneaking up on girls while they're sleeping! Why are you even here?" I raised my voice a bit, loud enough for him to know I'm mad and low enough for my parents to not hear.

"I'm sorry! You weren't answering my calls." He rubbed his face with his hand that was not covered in blood.

I groaned and walked over to my closet, grabbing a white towel to wipe off the blood. I walked over to him and that's when I noticed that he's holding a laptop in his hands. I took hold of his jaw and started dabbig the towel on his forehead. I tried my best to ignore him staring at me.

"So why did you come here?" I asked, trying to avert his gaze on me.

"Well I have something to show you," he grinned as he opened his laptop.

"How did you get up?" I asked him, ignoring his statement.

"A ladder," he shrugged, shifting his position.

I rolled my eyes, "So why are you here again?"

"I wanted to show you our new lyric video for our new song," he sent me a small smile.

"Okay, but can we please not do it here?" I pleaded, "My parents probably heard me scream."

And as if on cue, I heard footsteps on the hall, making their way towards the room. My breath hitched up my throat and Luke remained silent. I mentally cursed and ran to the door, locking it in the process. And that's when I heard a small knock.

"Brooke," I heard my mom's voice ask, "Are you okay? I heard you shriek."

"I'm okay! There was a huge ass spider but it's all good now." I said, not letting my voice give away my lies. She remained silent for a while.

"Okay, just call me when you need me."

The sound of her footsteps were getting low which meant she was walking away. I let out the breath I was holding and so did Luke. I looked at the time on my bedside clock. It was 2 a.m. It was getting late so I needed to get this over with.

"Come on, Let's go." I glanced at him.

"You're a really fast climber," Luke grinned at me. I rolled my eyes and perched myself up the oak tree where we usually hung out and looked down at Luke.

"Your turn." I called down at him. He started climbing up with a bit of difficulty since he was wearing skinny jeans.

"Can you stop wearing skinny jeans?" I called down at him, "Your balls will explode."

"No, they won't!" He shouted. He hoisted himself up the branch where I was sitting, shifting into a comfortable position.

"One day your balls will explode and you won't be able to have children, I swear to god Luke." I shook my head.

He remained quiet for a while before nodding, "Fine, I will."

I snickered in response. I scooched closer to him, making the branch shake a bit.

"So what are you going to show me?"

"Our lyric video." He smiled. He opened up his laptop and clicked on a video that was named under SLSP.

He played the video and I heard the familiar tune playing. The first thing I noticed were the walls on the video. My eyes widened in surprise as realization hit me. It was the walls he painted with me.

"Are you serious?" I laughed in amazement, "Omygod! Luke, you are the best!" I gave him a side hug, "And this is totally amazing, by the way."

But then the chorus started playing and I realized why it was so familiar.

It was the song Ashton wrote me.

Then suddenly all the happiness I've been feeling went down the drain. The memories I had with him made me space out as they all played in my head.

"Brooke, are you okay?" Luke shot me a worried look.

I nodded but soon, I started crying. The tears became unstoppable and I was practically moaning out the pain. He held me tight against him but he didn't ask why. All he did was hold me and somehow it felt better than the thought of me venting out.

I looked up at him and noticed the glint of something in his eyes. I couldn't explain it but it felt familiar. He held my gaze and I tried my best to look away but I couldn't. Before I could process what was happening, he leaned in. I knew it was wrong in all ways possible but I couldn't help it.

I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to press against mine. I felt his cold chapped lips on mine and it was like a burst of fireworks in my stomach. It felt amazing and the pit of butterflies in my stomach grew as he deepened the kiss. He had a tight grip on my hair that was starting to hurt me but I didn't care. The pain didn't compare to the pleasure I was feeling.

But then suddenly, I felt myself sliding down and the next thing I knew, I fell off the tree and was lying on the ground, helplessly clutching my ankle.


hey yo lovelies I'm laughing at ur comments and to the girl asking what s2g means it means swear to god haha

anyway I think I would double update bc ur all cute

if u want a follow back just ask don't unfollow and I'm laughing bc ur comments made my day anyway I'm gonna do a double update (I think bc u guys deserve it) if u vote or comment more I'll do double updates yay

follow me on twitter: casketluke


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