Chapter 20

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Mia's POV

It's funny how fast things can change. One minute I'm kissing Nathan and the next minute I'm crouched behind the car trying to dodge bullets. Nathan had one hand out, pushing me against the car door. He reached behind him and pulled a gun out from under his belt. 

"Stay here, don't move." He commanded. His voice void of any emotion whatsoever. 

He actually thought I would just sit still while we're getting shot at? I internally laughed at the thought. 

He whipped out his phone and quickly texted someone. I'm guessing it was probably James. He then started to stand up. I pulled him right back down. 

"Nathan, give me a gun too" I commanded. He looked at me like I had grown another head. 

"No. Just stay here." He said, his eyes hard. 

Without waiting for a reply, he stood up and started shooting back at the shooters. If he wasn't gonna give me a gun, I'd have to get it myself. Hoping that the door was unlocked, I tugged on the handle. It opened, allowing me to search the glove compartment for a gun. Any gang member would carry a gun in their car, and Nathan was no exception. I finally found one in the middle compartment. Grabbing it, I closed the door and edged myself to the side of the car. 

I watched as Nathan made his way to the large column in front of the restaurant. He shot anyone in his way without getting a scratch on himself. He backed himself against the column and reloaded his gun. He did everything with so much ease, it was like second nature to him. 

While he was reloading, I watched a guy inch towards the column. I quickly stood up and shot him right in the chest. Nathan's head whipped towards me. 

"GET THE FUCK DOWN." He yelled. 

I shook my head in response. I wasn't going to lean back and watch him get hurt. We were outnumbered and only had so much ammo. 

I saw someone move in my periphery and without looking away from Nathan, I shot the guy and heard him fall. 

Nathan's face showed how shocked he was. The shock was replaced by confusion and then replaced by his signature hard expression. He resumed shooting people down and I did the same. 

I moved away from the car and used the side of the building as a shield. There were bodies everywhere. Eventually, the shooting died down and it seemed as though it was over. 

Cautiously, I came out from the side of the building and I watched Nathan step away from the column as well. He glanced around once and then his eyes locked with mine. He didn't look too happy to say the least. 

"What the fuck were you thinking!" He boomed, walking towards me. 

Just as I was about to respond, a guy appeared out of nowhere and put a gun to Nathan's head. He wrapped an arm around Nathan's neck and pushed his head with the gun. 

"Finally got you motherfucker," the guy smirked. 

Did he not see me?

I took a step towards them. He looked my way and his smirk deepened. 

"Brought your girlfriend out to play too, I see." He said, looking straight at me. He brought his attention back to Nathan and nudged his head harder with the gun.

"I guess I get to kill you and fuck her all in one day. Lucky me."  

Nathan let out a growl and struggled in his grasp. 

Who the fuck was this guy? Did he not see I had a gun in my hand? Some people are so fucking stupid. 

I smirked and raised my gun.

"We'll see about that, sweet-heart." I replied, my eyes hard. 

The smirk on the guy's face dropped and was replaced by a scowl. 

"Come any closer and watch him die, bitch." He growled. I locked my eyes with Nathan's deep blue ones and saw how angry he was at that very moment. I knew if I hinted at him to do anything, he wouldn't understand what I was trying to say. So instead, I looked back at the guy who held Nathan at gunpoint. 

I raised an eyebrow and raised my hands, showing him I surrendered. 

His tense body relaxed a bit. 

"Any last requests, Nate?" The guy asked, looking towards Nathan. 

Just then, I heard cars screeching towards us. Not even a minute later, I hear footsteps approaching us. The guy looked around frantically, obviously frustrated at the situation. 

I took the opportunity to lower my arms and aim at him. 


I shot him right between the eyes and watched as he fell to the ground, blood oozing out of his wound. 

I looked back towards Nathan to make sure he was okay. He stared at me with a shocked expression on his face. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice husky. In these types of situations, I was always taught to turn my emotions off. You can't fight a war with your emotions engaged. 

He slowly stepped towards me, as if I were going to run away. My arms were by my sides, the gun still in my hand. Upon reaching me, he took the gun from my hand and chucked it away. Then he pulled me in for a hug. My arms automatically wrapped around his body and responded to the hug. 

"I'll take that as a yes," I chuckled. 

"Holy fuck," I heard someone say behind me. 

Both Nathan and I glanced at the the owner of the voice, James. "How the fuck did you do that?" He asked, looking at me in awe. 

A whole bunch of the gang members were also standing behind him, staring at me. 

I shrugged in response. "I guess adrenaline kicked in." 

"Adrenaline doesn't automatically give you shooting skills, Mia." 

"I don't see the big deal. I reacted according to the situation. We're okay, now let's move on" I said, slightly annoyed that they were making it such a huge issue. 

I could tell that Nathan wanted to say something, but he held it back and nodded instead. He grabbed my hand and walked to the nearest car that James and the rest of the gang had driven. James tossed him the keys and then walked off with the rest of the gang to the other cars. It was only Nathan and I in the car.

By the look on his face, I could tell he wanted answers. And knowing him, it wouldn't be long till he got it out of me... 

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