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Hey guys I'm emma this is my first ever story about a 12 year old boy who's loves another based in a middle school in Wisconsin
this is the first part enjoy!

The Next Morning...
Sweetie time to get uuuuuup! It's the first day of schooool! My mom said in a sing song voice.
In a minute mom! I said angrily.
Oh wait! Football tryouts are today. I thought to myself out loud rushing for a shirt and pants and running down the stairs.
Gotta go! I said grabbing an eggo off the kitchen counter and grabbing my backpack.
What's with the rush? My mom send confused.
Football tryouts are today. I said opening the door with the waffle in my mouth.
Well, I love you sweetie have a nice day! My mom said.
Bye mom! I said back shutting the front door behind me.

At school...
Ok! Good morning everybody. Today are football tryouts. Said coach.

After tryouts...
Hey bro! I said to my friend Carlon. How was your summer been? .
Good, You?
Uuuh it was typical, uneventful.
Ya, all I did was sit around and play GTA. Said Carlon.
Hey did you here about the new kid? I said
Ya I heard that he's from like Germany or somethin. Said Carlon.
Ya, he is. he's my neighbor. He's a few houses down from us. I haven't got the chance to meet him though! I said enthusiastically.
Ya, well I bet he's gonna be... different, interesting though. Carlon said.
Oh ya, probably. I said as I pull out my phone.
Oh crap! We gotta go we could be late! I said worryingly as I look at the time it was 7:35.
As I reach the doors of the school and I just get inside to get a late slip, Mrs.Krebbs pulled me into the office and asked.
Cal? Can you please show this young man around? She said with her old shaky voice.
Uuuuhh... Ya! Sure, of course! I can! I said excitingly.
Hi! I'm Tobi. He said in his thick, sweet German accent. Reaching his hand out for a hand shake.
I'm Cal. I said excepting the shake and trying to hide my blushing cheeks. 
Here's your schedules. You each have the same classes.
So our first class is science. Here sit by me. I said to him nervously.
Ok! He said happily.
Hello Class! I'm Mrs.Frame. This is Science Class. We have a new student today. Tobi would you like to come introduce yourself?
Sure! Said Tobi getting out of his chair nervously.
I-I'm Tobi. He said nervously.
I stared in to his eyes lovingly.  But as soon as I got caught I shook it off.
Hi! I'm I'm I. Tobi and I'm from Germany. He said nervously.
He walked back to his seat with his head down.  He was seated on the right of me. We were three rows down.
Ok so today we are doing lab patterns. I will be choosing your partners.
Annie with macei
Macy with Linda
Nate with Carlon
Nick with Tobi
And cal with Kurt!
Bro. I don't wanna be wit Kurt?!? He's the faggiest one in the grade! I said reject the fact that I'm... well... gay.
Hey! I said to Kurt as he walked over with our test tubes in hand.
Hi! Said Kurt
So have you asked anyone to prom I asked him.
Ummmmmm... well I can't really go to prom... he said scared as if I would,judge.
You know what? Let's   not talk for the rest of the year. Said Kurt upset. 

                                                                                             After class...
yo Carlon I can't believe I have to be with Kurt the rest of this year.
Ya I know he's a total fag. Said Carlon quietly
Hey guys! Who's a total fag. Tobi said interrupting loudly. 
Shh shh!! Said Carlon and i.
Keep your voice down. I said to him whisper shouting.
Were talking about Kurt that kid who I have to sit by the rest of the year.  
Hey Carlon there he is! I said to him.
Let's go shove him onto the lockers.
Hey fag we said as we shoved him against the lockers forcefully.
Everyone laughed and stared as we beat him to the ground.

At home...
Hey sweetie said mom.
Hey. I said depressingly.
What's wrong? Questioned my mom worry on her face.
Oh nothing... It's just that Carlon may not be on the team.
Why? She asked
Because coach said that he's to much of a pussy.
Well that's not nice now is it. She said
Nope. Well I'm gonna do some homework.
Ok sweetie I'll call you for dinner! My mom said.
As I walked up the old creaky wooden steps my phone went of
Beep beep beep

Kurt: hey wanna come over to work on the project

Cal: i guess I will come over wuts ur address

Kurt: 608 center street Deerfield Wisconsin

Cal: k b there in 5
Hey mom gotta go be back at 11:00 ok?
Ok sweetie see you later! Love you! Said my mom hyperly
Love you to. I mumbled under my breath.
**************************************************** i pull up to the curb about I take the key out of my veneno and walk up to his door as I check my

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