New Bodyguard

27K 997 853

Third person's point of view

After the incident, the two guards were immediately fired by Irene's father. Irene was sitting on the living room then the entrance door opened. Irene's father walked in with a man in mid 40's and is wearing black corporate attire.

"This is my daughter, Bae Irene" He's father introduced. Irene stood up and bowed to the man.

"This is Mr. Kim, he will introduce to us your new bodyguard" Her father stated and gestured them to sit. He's father sat next to Irene while Mr. Kim across them.

"What is this for Appa? I still have other guards" Irene reasoned.

"Honey, Me and your mom will be gone for the next six months because of our business activities overseas. For us to have a peace of mind after the incident and while we're gone, we hired a top-notch bodyguard for you" He's father explained then gestured Mr. Kim to start giving them details.

'Aish. Just when I thought that I could easily sneak out with those two guards gone' Irene face palmed in her thoughts.

"This bodyguard that I will introduce to you is our rank 1 to the whole bunch we have. Come in now~" Mr. Kim called out.

The door opened slowly then a person came in. The sound of the heels hitting the floor as the person walks can be heard. Revealing from the bottom to top view was a pair of black heels, black pants then a white long sleeve topped with a black coat can be seen. They can clearly say that she's a female guard. Her hair was ponytailed with her eyes gaze sharply and fearlessly but attractive at the same time. The female guard stood straight while both hands in her pockets beside where Mr. Kim was sitting facing Irene and her father. She looked straight to Irene emotionless. Irene got shocked seeing the guard.

"A girl? Are you sure?" Irene asked in disbelief. He's father was not surprised because Mr. Kim told him earlier about some details about the new guard.

"Let me finish first, Irene-ssi. This girl standing in front of you is a high level bodyguard. She's not ordinary. She's well skilled and trained. She even tops from the male bodyguards category from our team. She is the best of the best. THE ACE OF ALL ACES" Mr. Kim explained emphasizing the last part to convince Irene.

"I trust Mr. Kim. He's agency is the best and I've seen her capabilities before agreeing to this" Irene's father explained.

"I just want you to be safe" Her father stated. "Please introduce yourself" He's father said looking at the body guard.

"I'm Kang Seulgi, Nice to meet you" She bowed to Irene and her father.

Irene was shocked upon seeing the guard because she immediately recognizes the guard. The familiar face that beaten her guards the last time but Seulgi didn't even show any kind of surprise in her face by seeing Irene as if she's just a robot without any emotions.

"Before I can hand her to you, you need to sign this term and conditions from our agency" Mr. Kim stated sliding a paper on the table his hand. Irene took it to read.

"1. You can't tell your bodyguard's identity to anyone outside your household.

2. Asking personal question to the guard is strictly prohibited.."

After Irene read, she looked at Mr. Kim in confusion.

"Waeyo? (why?)" She asked.

"As you can see, being a body guard is a highly dangerous job and we value our guard's life off duty by protecting their identity and personal background even to the clients" Mr. Kim explained.

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