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I grabbed my dark blue duffle bag and swung it over my left shoulder only to find my arm screaming at me in pain.

"Nope!" Angie, The Opposite tour manager who happens to be my main manager, walked in on me. Shaking her head in disbelief and pulling the bag off me. "That's not happening, instead you're going to be wearing this." She grabbed the shoulder sling from my hotel dresser and held it in front of me. I should really hide it better next time.

"It itches and gets in the way of everything." I complained. Trying to get out of wearing a sling for the next ten hour bus ride to a town I had no idea existed but apparently on a poll has the most viewers of the show.

"I don't care. You're dad would have my head if you damaged your shoulder anymore. Be happy I'm not taking you to the hospital, the paparazzi would snatch a pic and make it a huge deal." She glared. Angie's glares were deadly. Almost like she was throwing knives at you. Don't let the short blonde hair, brown eyes, and only being a total height of 5'2 fool you. She could take you down in a punch if she wanted.

"I know." I roll my eyes without her catching. Tyson Everest is a famous movie director who happens to be the only family I have left. My mother died before I could really remember her. Apparently I looked just like her according to my father and Angie. Light brown hair and dark chocolate eyes. A narrow nose and rounder face with chiseled cheek bones. Not my proudest feature, since they make my jaw look uneven, but I guess I got it from my mom and all the girls love it. "But-"

"If you say anything regarding an excuse not to wear the shoulder brace, I'll make you regret it." She snapped.

I froze in my position. My heart almost coming to a complete stop. Again, no one messes with Angie.

Angie checked the time on her watch sighing. "I got to go check on everyone else. Have Lucas help you with that." She gestured to the sling she threw at me before walking out into the hallway.

Just like magic, Lucas popped his light brown messed up head of hair into my room.

"Angie is so not having it." Lucas joked, walking in and grabbing the brace from my hands.

"Eavesdropping again?" I chuckled as he strapped the sling into place.

"Well yeah." He grinned. Plopping on the large sofa and grabbing himself a soda from the mini-fridge.

I readjusted the brace with my one available hand. Already it felt itchy and smelt like dried sweat. Not a great smell especially for a ten hour bus ride.

"Antonio going to make fun of me for this." I told Lucas. Antonio was my costar on The Opposite. We might be playing best friends on the show, but Antonio was constantly at my throat for anything I did. Just yesterday when we were finishing filming our second season of The Opposite, I decided to do my own stunt. A side flip, that I've done a million times before. When I landed on my arm, Antonio was the first person to call me out. Saying things like "toughen up pretty boy" or "shame it wasn't your neck".

"Yeah, probably." Lucas smiled.

I groaned, "not helping. I'm going to be stuck on a ten hour bus ride with the one guy who would literally do anything to have me killed."

He stood up and walked up next to me, still drinking from the Orange Crush he grabbed from the fridge. "That is why I negotiated you being switched into Angie's bus."

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