eighteen | dan

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It was weird at first. Waking up to sounds. His mother voice, the sound of the radiator, the rustle of his clothes as he picked out what to wear. But the weirdest was school. The sound of hundreds of shoes hitting the ground simultaneously, the yelling of teenagers as they called to their friends across the hall. The loud sound of the school bell letting all the students in the building. His friends.

"I'm just saying, episode seven was a total bust."

"But it was needed for the storyline."

"Sorry Lou, I have to agree with Zoe on this one."

Dan smiled as he watched his friends argue, Louise and Zoe sounded the same as always. Cute high pitched voices, but he didn't expect Jakes voice to be so deep.

He'd actually forgotten about Jake, Louise's new arm candy. He was cute and everything, just a bit of a nerd, but he never really bother Dan.

Louise huffed. "I know, but I wished they would have made it a bit more bearable to watch."

"It was bearable!" Zoe shouted.

He saw Phil standing against his locker, which they had taken to sharing. He had his binder pressed against his chest watching their friends. Dan slyly came up behind Phil and pinched his side's making Phil squeal. Dan laughed, he sound like a little girl.

He was hit with a chorus of greetings to which he was about to respond hen he remembered he wasn't supposed to be able to hear. He reached to aid, switching it off. He'd turn it back on in a few hours anyway.

Class was boring. He'd turned on his hearing aids to better hear his instructions. The teachers actually didn't know he had his aids yet, he'd made a point of telling his mom not to send out the note to the school till after Phil's birthday.

Which was close, he still had to figure out a gift to get for Phil. When he asked Phil what he wanted all he said was he wanted something small. Not to big or grand which was actually a relief. He'd never had a boyfriend before and was stressed about getting Phil something for his birthday. What all he seems to think about during math class as it was over before he knew it.

The whole day seems to drag by with various sounds clogging Dan's system. Laughing, screaming, the fact that he forgot how much teens say the word fuck. It seems new to Dan.

Lunch is the best thought. It's still loud, but the void is filled by his friends so much that he can't seem to hear anybody else except them. The laughing, the arguing, the sound of Jake tapping his pencils on the table Sony because he can. It's new and he loves it. One thing bothers him though, one thing.

Phil doesn't seem to talk.

Dan has been around for Phil for most of the day and hasn't heard him say a word.

Does he laugh? Yeah, but it's different. Phil's laugh is filled with so much joy, it radiates of him.

But he hasn't said a word. Not one. And Dan's starting to worry.

Art is the one class Dan has alone with Louise and he takes the time then to ask her a few questions.

He plucks Louise's notebook out of her binder and writers her a message.

Answer me truthfully okay

what is it

does Phil talk?

She puts down her paintbrush, and turns her attention to Dan. He quickly turns his head so he's face to face with Louise. She looks at him pitifully and writes more.

I thought you knew

No, he hadn't and the fact that he didn't know makes Dan feel like the worst friend in the world. Phil doesn't talk. Phil can't talk. Which one is it? Then Dan realizes something. Why him and Phil seemed to get on so well. Dan couldn't hear, so it wouldn't bother him that Phil couldn't talk. That's why Phil put up with him so well. Because they complimented each other.

Dan doesn't all to Louise for the rest of art class. Then he thinks back to all the memories he's has with Phil. Everytime they ever hung out with Louise and Zoe. Dan never remembers Phil's mouth moving. He doesn't remember him conversing with them or even trying to talk to Dan. He doesn't remember a single time Phil's accidentally slipped up and talk to Dan, knowing he can't hear.

Art is over before he knows it and was dead set on one thing before he leaves the room. He needs to find out more about his boyfriend, because so far he's been a real shit one.

Dan watches Phil more after that. He watches him laugh and sit quietly in class, he watches him joke with Zoe as they write notes back and forth. That's another thing. They've always passed notes to Phil as well and its never been weird to him because it seems so normal but it's not. Because if Phil could talk why would he have to pass notes?

When they get off school Dan goes to Phil's house and they chill watching Netflix and not once talking. And it's normal. For them it is. He'll talk to Phil just not know. For know he sits next to Phil and cuddles, watching episode seven and he couldn't help but agree with Zoe a little. It wasn't a total bust, it was just needed.

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