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The tsunami washed her island away with everything that made her safe. Now in that tsunami was filled with knives and needles that was painful as they stab her though her body. Screaming for air while she pulls her hair out and all those cuts burning like a never ending fire pit that lasts for hours and hours. Washed up miles away from her island she was cold and with every shivering part of her body she was dying faster.
Hearing the lonely howls in the distance with the breaths that she could see in this cold air. Worried that Konner is hurt by the tsunami of her fears then minutes later she sees a happy wagging tail just waiting for her hug to warm him up. During the nights she lights a fire with her heart that burns with self passion for her future.
By burning the dead words that had fallen out of her mind she turns them into ashes making them disappear from her memories of disappointment. Holding Konner for safety is the best thing she could have for her long sad days.
Looking at the stars that are billions of miles away from her she feels like she is still learning how much more she can do. With miles away trying to find her island, and she felt lost and afraid that something might kill her with words with no touching of her unworthy skin.
She stood up and walked up to the balanced water and it looked just like a mirror and only seen herself but all she could see was nothing but her eyes and her frown. "How do I fix my self? I need help but I don't know who should fix this problem. I cannot do this in my own. I'm sorry...I'm sorry that I did this to myself. You gave me a time and a date and that should be when I die. I said it was just for fun but it wasn't just for fun I wanted to see if you could see past that lie and hold me when you are miles away from me." Pinches her skin as she walks back to Konner with eyes full of tears. Looking at the land that never ends and a island to find that will be miles away from her.

( What is up guys! I really hope you love/like my stories it really means a lot to me and please give me a follow and that will make me know that you are reading all my short story chapters. ~Shadow)

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