Part 6-I dont have a title for this one

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I ended on a cliff hanger last time but this isn't it carrying on, it's a bit of strategic placing

Little girl's POV (finally one that's not Percy's) - this is like a few millennial later-
I was kicked out of my home. I looking for some place to stay right now. My mum left me alone in the house, soon these people came and said I couldn't live there on my own. I didn't want to go to the orphanage so here I am. I headed towards Central Park because I know there are benches there.
---at Central Park---
There's a big gate in the way but I can fit through the bars, I squeeze through and I start walking to the nearest bench. I sit down and look up to the stars. I can't see the stars out where the shops are but here they're really bright. I miss my mum, she said she had a cold and had to get the doctors to check it out. I never knew my dad but mum said he was a good person. I heard a growl behind me and I turned around. There was a big dog and he was baring its fangs. He leaped out at me so I started to run. I was heading straight for the small woods. The dog was really fast, I'm not sure how long I can keep running. I finally got to the woods and went in and out of the trees to lose him then I heard a swooping sound. It was coming from above so I looked up. I couldn't really see because it was really dark but I think I saw wings. The person's silhouette looked human so I told them to run because a big dog was coming. The person looks at me and smiled his eyes really startled me, even though it was dark his eyes were really bright. They were green like the sea and had a light blue circle around the black bit of your eye, not only that but he had golden flecks in the coloured part. He also had brown streaks going from the middle to the end of his eye. I think it's called a student, wait no a pupil. He turned around and the big dog was right there, I gasped as he brought out a sword and sliced the dog and then it burst into golden dust. The man turned around and crouched down to look at me. I couldn't really see him apart from his and his beautiful wings, they had that sea green colour and blue specks that looked like ice in them. "Hello," he said in a nice calming voice, "My name is Nero, most people call me Winter though." I nodded.
"What's your name?" Nero asked.
"My name is Lucy," I said.
"Well Lucy, you're a very special girl," he said. "I am?" I didn't know what he was talking about. "Have you learnt about the Greek gods, Lucy?" He asked. "Uh, kind of," I knew I should paid attention to that boy doing show and tell. "Well you're the daughter of one," he said. He just said that right there right then. "WHAT?!" This has to be a joke, no way my I'm the daughter of a god, I would know, right?" Now, I need you to tell me, which one did you live with, your mum or your dad?" He said. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, "I-I used to live with my mum," I practically crying now. I covere my eyes with my hands, then cool yet somehow warm arms wrapped around me. "It's going to be okay, I'm going to take you to your new home okay?" I now knew Nero was hugging me.
"O-okay, I'll go with you." I said.

I know this was short but school is keeping me quite busy. Anyway, thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it.

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