Chapter 17

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I pulled in to Jack's driveway and noticed Kyle sitting on the small front porch in front of the door. He wasn't exactly the person I wanted to see right now. I just wanted to be alone. Jack wasn't home and I knew that. Apparently so did Kyle. I turned off the car and got out. Kyle stood up but didn't move from the door.

"Need help?" he called.

I ignored him and opened the driver's side rear passenger door, grabbed one of the two unmarked boxes on the back seat and headed for the house. Kyle met me half way. "We need to talk." He urged.

"Talk," I said in a questioning tone. "Really talk, or argue?"

Kyle's eyes widened. "Talk." He confirmed.

"Fine." I said dryly. I continued toward the front door. I had a difficult time trying to unlock the door with the box in my hands. I was about to set the box down, but Kyle took my key chain and unlocked the door for me. I didn't thank him. I walked into the house and he followed. I set the box on the floor by the door and turned around to get the rest of my things from the car. Kyle began to follow but I told him I didn't need his help. I asked him to stay in the kitchen.

On my third trip to the car for my last two bags from the trunk I thought I heard something. I looked around me but I didn't see anyone. I slammed the trunk shut and bent down to pick up my bags off the driveway. When I stood upright again I almost had a stroke. There was Rob standing in front of the car facing me. I looked around quickly, but I didn't see his Nissan anywhere. "You scared me!" I chided, as my heart slowed to its normal pace.

"Sorry," he apologized.

"What are you doing here?" I asked suspiciously.

"I had to make sure you got here."

I shrugged, "Here I am."

"And Kyle's with you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes," I said with an edge in my tone.

Rob smirked, "So things are going well with you two."

"Shut up," I hissed.

"Or not," he laughed.

"You know if Kyle sees you here he's going to flip out again."

Rob was clearly holding back a laugh, "I kind of enjoy his episodes." Rob grimaced.

"Episodes," I said, raising my eyebrows.

"He's a Karate Kid wannabe. It's entertaining, really." He laughed.

I caught myself smiling and bit my lip. "Stop it." I demanded suppressing a laugh.

"I'll let you get back to moving in." He said.

"Wait," I said in a desperate tone, which even surprised me. I didn't want him to leave, which was so wrong but true.

I think he picked up on the plea in my voice because he stepped out from in front of the car and took a few steps towards me with his eyes searching mine. "What?" he asked softly. I sensed a hint of concern in his response.

I shook my head. "Never mind."

"Cassie," he said my name so persuasively it was ridiculous.

"It's stupid. Forget it." It really was stupid. Kyle was waiting inside. Kyle, my boyfriend, Kyle I repeated to myself.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, no forget it." I assured him. He lingered about four feet away from me for a minute, then told me I better get back inside.

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