Chapter 26: Undead or Dead

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Jennifer P.O.V

I don't know how this happened but it did. I miss out in everything. I seriously need to get a watch to be on time with these things. Or maybe just oh I don't know not be in a wierd coma.

So the whole other side is basically coming throw to our side. And the reason I know that is because I literally bumped into Lexi the second I woke up.

"Oh sorry-"


I look up to see Lexi,you know Stefan's bestfreind, the one who tried to help Damon out once, the one Damon killed,yeah that one.

" nice to see can I see you? Because the only other way iI can think off- oh man am I dead? Ugh well at least I get away from Elena and the Salvatore brothers no affence to Stefan"

"And the is way you are my favorite. No you are not dead the whole other side basically fell a part"

"Oh you know you are probably the only supernatural on the other side who hasn't tried to kill me or Elena or any of my friends...but I do understand if you hurt Damon"

"I am halting Stefan get his humanity back on but we only have a few hours left to stay here"

"I am sorry I didn't hang out with you sooner"

"I think I have to go now"

"But Lexi I need to ask you something"

"What is it I don't have a lot of time left"

"Have you ever heard of the Mikelasons or how you most likely heard them the originals"

A/N I don't know if lexi actually knew the originals but let's pretend she did for the story

"Yeah why"

"Because Elijah says I am his mate"

"Jen- I think I have to go now"


Lexi disappeared like she was never there. Was she even there? A lot of things has been happening I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't and I just imagined her.

A/N OK so I don't remember the episode that much that is why it is bad. I am gonna make her fall asleep next.

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