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Yoongi had been a gentleman the whole date, and was now standing in front of Jimin's door with a smile on his face as they were saying their goodbyes. Jimin was fidgeting awkwardly in his place, and Yoongi had of course noticed this. It was as if Jimin was expecting and waiting for something, and Yoongi had of course easily figured out what. So he leaned slightly down and forward until he felt the male's soft lips against his. He only stayed like that for a second before he stood back with the proudest of smiles seeing the surprised look on Jimin's face accompanied with a blush on his cheeks.


Jimin reached up to touch his lips before he quickly went inside with a short bye.

Yoongi couldn't help but laugh to himself at the other's innocent reaction. Jimin really was the definition of cute.

"Hello, Yoongi."

Suddenly a voice was heard behind him, and he turned around to see no other than Jae standing there with an annoyed expression.


"You're in my way."

"Am I?"


There was tension in the air as the two males stared at each other, neither of them stepping aside as if it was about winning or losing in some strange battle.

Then Jae made his move by walking forward and grabbing Yoongi by the shoulders to put him aside and walk past him.

No rules, huh?

Yoongi continued staring, and saw how Jae fished up a key from his jeans' pocket and put it into the lock to open the door.

Jae has a key to Jimin's house?!

Yoongi clenched his fists, feeling a sudden hint of jealousy dwelling up inside knowing that Jae could visit Jimin whenever he wanted. He had recieved such great trust from Jimin and was ahead of Yoongi.

"I appreciate you taking care of Jimin, but I would prefer it if you left my property for now.", Jae said, opened the door, and went inside. "You're getting on my nerves.", he spoke and then suddenly closed the door behind him, leaving Yoongi before he got the chance to speak.


Jimin was filled with happiness, and his lips were still warm from the kiss. It had been very quick and innocent, but it didn't matter. It was a kiss from Yoongi and he treasured it with his whole being.

Suddenly he heard the door slamming downstairs and how someone walked up towards his bedroom door. Then it opened and he saw Jae standing there with his usual smile.

"Did you have fun on the date?"

Before Jimin could process anything he nodded with a big smile. He had enjoyed spending time with Yoongi.

Jae went over and sat down next to him on the bed with a small sigh, but the smile remained on his lips.

"Have you thought about your answer yet?"


"About senior prom. I asked you to go with me, remember?

Jimin had completely forgotten about it. He had been so caught up in his date, but he could understand if Jae wanted answers as soon as possible; especially if he had been on a date with another guy.

He was still a bit torn though. He knew that he would enjoy going to senior prom with Jae since he was a good guy and definitely the type to treat his date well.

Then again there was Yoongi. Maybe Yoongi planned on asking him? But then again he hadn't asked him yet despite knowing the fact that someone had asked him alredy. He should understand that he could miss his chance of going with Jimin if Jimin decided to say yes to Jae.

"Jimin... can I be honest with you?"

Jimin looked up at Jae as he spoke and thought for a second before nodding; curious about what Jae was going to tell him.

"I know you're probably thinking about how Yoongi might ask you to go to prom, but honestly... he hasn't even bothered to mention it or ask you yet."

"You know Jimin, he's not even interested in guys to begin with. He even kissed that girl at that party."

"I'm afraid he will hurt you. Maybe realise that he isn't interested in guys. Maybe not even ask you out at all."

"Please, Jimin... I don't want you to get hurt. You know I will treat you right if you go with me. We will have a good time."

"It's not a safe option to wait for Yoongi possibly asking you to go."

Jimin looked down at his fingers as he played with them. Jae was right, Yoongi was definitely not a safe option while Jae was obviously good in every aspect out there. If Jimin went with him he would surely be happy.

"I know you're a good guy, Jae. It's just... I need some more time to think things through. I promise I will answer you on Wednesday, just... let me think for a bit.", Jimin said and looked up to give him a weak smile, and Jae started picking something up which seemed to be his cellphone.

"Keep that smile on.", Jae said and then took a pretty photo of Jimin with a click.

I'm really tired but hopefully this chapter is decent lol

I'm really tired but hopefully this chapter is decent lol

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