Say yes

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The door of the institute was opened by Maryse Lightwood, looking sleek as ever in black shadow hunter gear.

"Magnus, what may I do for you?" Maryse asked in a clipped tone with her usual hand on hip pose.

"I was just wondering if I may see Alec for a moment." Magnus felt like a small child under Maryse's glare though he knew he had many years on her.

"If you can get him out of his bedroom." Maryse told Magnus and rushed past him out the door of the institute.

Magnus took the lift up to the second floor and prayed to god that he remembered which room was Alec's since he'd only visited it a few times.

Magnus wondered down the hallway trying to remember which it was, all the doors looked the same, a deep brown wood with a silver handle.

Suddenly he heard a door creak open behind him and he spun around to see the beautiful raven haired boy with the blue eyes.

"Alec." Magnus starred at him in awe of his stunning beauty, sometimes he forgot how truly beautiful Alec really was.

Alec turned away suddenly back into the bedroom and slammed the door shut behind him.

Magnus hurried down the hall and knocked on the door he saw Alec walk in to.

"GO AWAY!" Alec choked out. Magnus could tell he was crying and it was killing him that he was the cause of such pain.

"Alec please I need to talk to you, it's urgent." Magnus pleaded, trying the door handle but finding it locked.

"What so you can fuck me and then fuck me off again?!" Alec sobbed out harshly.

"No, Alec no.. Please just let me in. Please." Magnus pleaded some more but got no reply.

Magnus leaned his head against the wall next to the door and took a few deep breaths.

When he heard the door click open he looked up to see a puffy eyed Alec and all he wanted to do was take him into his arms and tell him everything would be okay.

Alec stood aside and gestured for Magnus to go through the door. Magnus took a seat on Alec's desk chair while Alec sat on the end of his bed.

"Well, go on then." Alec spoke, finding the strong voice Magnus always knew he had.

"Alec, the reason I've been avoiding you is because I've been looking for something, a spell in fact." Magnus went silent, trying to find the right way to say this.

"And?" Alec said bluntly, folding his arms over his chest.

"Please hear me out before you say a word. So, many years ago I found a spell and I found that spell again today. A spell that can turn anyone, shadow hunter, vampire, warlock, mundane, whatever into an immortal without any of the nasty side effects. But it would strip any previous ability away.." Magnus trailed off and looked up to catch Alec's reaction.

"So, what you're trying to say is that you've found a spell to turn me immortal and I should be okay with that after me doing almost the same thing to you and you braking up with me?" Alec stared blankly at Magnus, not giving any emotions away.

"Well.. I guess, yeah.." Magnus trailed off and looked around the room.

Magnus pulled the book out of his coat pocket and went into all the fine details of what would happen, like the fact he'd loose his marks and abilities and wouldn't be able live at the institute anymore.

"I don't know Magnus.. That's a big step." Alec looked deep in thought as he played with a loose thread on the hem of his shirt.

"I'll give you time to think." Magnus spoke as he stood from the desk chair.

"Thanks." Alec replied and stared out the window.

Magnus knew this would be a big decision for Alec since being a shadowhunter was all he knew, so he left him in peace to decide on his answer. Magnus hoped he'd say yes.

Spells (malec) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now