[After Story]: The School Play 3/4

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"WHAT?! YOU THINK MISS NAKAMURA TRAPPED KACCHAN IN THE AUDITORIUM?!" Izuku panted, trying to keep up with you.

"YEAH THAT SLIMY BITCH ASKED FOR HIM TO GO WITH HER JUST A FEW MINUTES AGO." You growled as you sprinted down the UA hallway. "I'm gonna wring her damn neck when I find her... Izuku, do you know anything about her?!"

"I only know that her hero name is Mirage! I'm assuming it has something to do with illusions, but I don't know the details..."

Shit! I should have known it was something like that!

"Excuse me, no running in the hallway!" Iida called out as you both raced by him. You glanced back desperately.


"WHAT?! WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO?! AS YOUR PRESIDENT, I MUST INSURE THE SAFETY AND WELLBEING OF MY CLASS!" He yelled, zooming up next to you with his quirk. "GRAB ON!" You hopped onto his back.

"GOOD LUCK (Y/N)! SAVE KACCHAN!" Izuku called out. You nodded back at him before turning your attention forward.



"Where the fuck did that dumb bitch go..." Katsuki grumbled to himself. "OI." He called out, causing an echo to cascade across the empty auditorium.

"Katsuki~" A sweet voice called over to him. He turned around and saw you standing in the closet doorway. Or at least what appeared to be you.

"(Y/n)? What the fuck are you doing here?" He questioned peering around. "And where the fuck is everyo-"

The imposter closed the distance between them and pressed up against his chest. Katsuki was pushed back against the wall. He furrowed his brow as he glanced at 'you' confused.

"Oi, what gives? You're being strangely affectionate right now."

"I want you now Katsuki~ I can't take it any longer~" She breathily cooed.

Katsuki felt his heart begin to race. If this was what you wanted, he was more than happy to deliver. But something felt off to him. You looked, sounded, and smelled the same. However it was unlike you to be so forward when it came to physical intimacy. It was one of the things he loved about you, constantly relishing in your embarrassed expressions. He liked how he could chip away at your stern exterior and reduce you to a puddle.

Yes call him a sadist, but he loved nothing more than seeing you weak by his hands only.

The impostor looked up and drew her lips close to his. He closed his eyes, beginning to lean forward as well.

"I love you~ Katsuki-" His hand slammed over her mouth and pushed her away.

"Who the fuck are you?" He growled.

"Mmmph-" She pulled his hand away from her mouth. "I'm your girlfriend of course!"

"No you're fucking not. (Y/n) would never tell me she loved me in a fake ass tone like that." The impostor's mouth fell open a bit at his words.

"Honestly..." She huffed, releasing her grasp over Katsuki's mind. The boys eyes narrowed as all of his senses became his own once more. Yui took a step back, appearing as herself. "What the heck do you see in that damn girl anyways... You can't possibly be oblivious to all the trouble she's caused?" Katsuki glanced up at her, noticing the slight pain in the girls eyes.

"You... What do you know?"

"Everything I need to. That girl was there that night in Hosu. She worked with those damn villains..." Yui covered her eyes with the back of her hand. "The love of my life got caught under one of the collapsed buildings and has been in critical condition since... Why the hell does (y/n) of all people get a happy ending?! It's... Just not fair..." Choked sobs broke out of the girl as she collapsed to the floor. Katsuki remained silent, only peering at her solemnly.


"RECIPRO BURST!" The lock on the auditorium doors shattered as Iida kicked the door down. The second he landed, you jumped off and readied yourself for a catfight.

"ALRIGHT, LISTEN HERE YOU DAMN-" You paused your ranting, noticing Yui sobbing and Katsuki standing quietly against the wall. "Uhhhhh did I... miss something?" You questioned.

"(Y/n)." Katsuki called over in a serious tone. "You need to hear her out."

- - -

"I... I don't even know what to say..." You quietly muttered as you lowered yourself to the floor next to Yui. She looked away, shielding her swollen eyes from your view

"There's nothing to say..." She slowly made her way to her feet. "My revenge plan didn't work so there's no point anymore." Before she had a chance to flee, you took her by the wrist.

"I'm trying to make up for it, I swear." You firmly stated. She didn't look back at you. "I think about them every day... The things I've done." Your gaze shifted to the floor. "It's a weight I'll never be able to get rid of... But I want to be a hero, and repent for my mistakes by saving everybody I can." She still didn't say anything. Katsuki decided to step in.

"Listen even if you had your damn reasons, your boyfriend wouldn't-"

"Girlfriend." Yui clarified. "Trust me, I didn't vigorously hit on you because I wanted to..." She glanced back at him. "My families rich but won't help pay for the surgery she desperately needs because they don't approve of me dating a girl... My father even said it would be better for me if she just died..." You, Iida, and Katsuki were all silent for a moment. "I just... didn't know what else to do." This time, it was Iida who broke the silence.

"She wouldn't be proud of you doing this." He smiled gently at her. "You're a third year in class 1-a right Miss Nakamura? You're obviously strong and committed to becoming a hero." Iida shifted his gaze down at his arm. "There was a time when I too was consumed by thoughts of revenge. I lost sight of everything that was important to me and I pray you won't make the same mistake. So put all your energy into the becoming the best hero you can be. I think that, Miss Nakamaru, is what would truly make her happy."

"... I know you're right... I apologize for being such a hassle." She meekly responded, making her way to the entryway. "See you guys at rehearsal in a bit. I need some time to myself."

She left without another word. Iida glanced back at you and Katsuki.

"I'm gonna go make sure she's okay." He said, heading after her. "If anyone asks, I've never seen that door."

Once he was gone you sighed heavily, your head falling against your hand.

"You okay?" Katsuki grumbled towards you.

"Yeah... It's just... It's going to follow me forever, won't it?" Your voice strained at the back of your throat

"And what are you gonna do about it?" He questioned, making his way over and taking hold of your wrist. He pulled it from your face. "You gonna give up?" You paused for a moment and sniffled a bit, preventing any tears from falling. Smiling slightly, you peered at him with determined eyes.

"No way in hell. I have an idea."

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