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Somi's POV~

I rolled over coughing up some blood as I got ready for the third and last hit. Now it's been three days in this hell hole and I'm starting to lose my mind. I'm not the type of person to give up hope so easy but I feel like I'm dying here and they said they haven't heard a word from Taehyung and Jungkook.

Are they going to help me or not because I only have two days left before I'm sold off? I think I would rather be dead than to have to deal with another hit to the stomach.

Just please help me.

Jungkook's POV~

As me and Taehyung started packing a bag of things to bring we heard a knock on the front door. I ran to the door to see six people standing at our front door. The only females were holding bags with a huge smile placed across there face. With the them was four other males with blank looks upon their faces. One seemed like he was lost, another seemed bored, the third one seemed curious. The last one who looked a little someone seemed to be mad at something.

"There here!" Taehyung shouted running passed me to the front door. I just stood there wondering who the fuck were these people and why they were at our house. The two girls walked passed me into the house followed by running to Taehyung's side.

"Uh, Taehyung. Who are these?" I asked staring at the guys who were still standing outside. One by one they started walking inside and before I knew it all six of them were inside standing in our living room. I was still lost for words as I just stared at them all.

"Jungkook these are Somi's adopted siblings." Taehyung explained as he started pulling out pieces of paper. Is he serious?

"We brought the money and everything." One of the guys spoke. I looked up at him for my eyes to go wild. Who the hell are these people to think we need their help?

"All one million is in the bag-" I cut the one guy off by swinging my arms around staring at Taehyung with nothing but anger in me.

I can't believe my brother went off and told these people who we were and that we needed the money to save Somi. These people were what Somi's adopted siblings for what...a week? They have no right to be apart of this. Somi is my girlfriend! And she's Taehyung's sister. She's our family, not theirs!

"Excuse us while me and my brother talk." Taehyung told the other people as I dragged Taehyung into the kitchen away from those people. Once the kitchen door swung shut I slammed Taehyung against a wall.

"These people have no right to be here. They've know Somi for what a whole week. This was our battle. Between us with Yoongi and Jimin. Not between some random spoiled rich brats who know nothing about Somi!" My voice was shaking and full of anger and at first I didn't know why until my brother explained why.

"Jungkook, you're anger at Vernon is starting to reflect on me and them out there. Those people out there are the ones to bring us that kind of money. You know mom had to use a lot of the money on the funeral and didn't have that much left. If not for those people, we might actually lose Somi." Taehyung replied pulling my arms away.

Did they really bring one whole fucking million dollars? Why would they care so much about someone they barely know? Even the first week I knew Somi...sadly to say I didn't really care for her. But that was until I saw the warmth and strengthen in her. No matter what she didn't give up on me and Taehyung, and we didn't on her either. It took me until recently to figure out that even back then I loved her. It took until me getting rid of my ego to find out that this amazing and wonderful person was standing in front of me.

Yeah maybe she gets on my nerves sometimes, but she's my crazy. She's no one else's. She's the only one I truly love. She's the one for us. For a second there I thought I might lose my only brother as well because of my ego. But Somi not only saved me, but also Taehyung. Taehyung finally has a little sister. I don't want this life of ours to be taken away just like Tina was.

I'm not losing another love one.


Okay this chapter is like a small preview until the next chapter. I don't know when it'll be but until then I hope this is okay.

             Thanks for reading!


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