Indroduction :)

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If your reading this, that means you've decided to read the book. Yay.

I'm sorry if some of them suck, they will get better over time. (you might wanna read from the bottom to the top, idk) Remember I am human and evolving just like y'all. I would looove to hear your feedback and if it's negative, please try not to say it in a rude way. That doesn't help, fyi.

I have spent time and put effort into these, and they are my feelings. What's in my head. Yes most are... let's say sad... and deal with topics... but I promise I'm trying to make happy ones. These are personal and I don't even know why I am putting them out into the open for the world to read. Yea I know. I'm crazy.

My updating days will be everyday. I might splurge and update more than one a day. And if busy I might not get around to updating. Sorry. I'm only a teenager and I've got a life and responsibilities. As I'm sure y'all have as well.

I hope you enjoy 🤗

Much love, *inserts code name which I have not come up with* 💜.

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